Who Am I? And Who Are You? But What Questions Are These?

Dear Reader, A national economic crisis looms large, with leadership problems to go with it. In the main, we are transfixed by it all. There are no easy answers but wisdom tells us to look through the problem; to look through and identify the true causes and effects so that we may understand how to properly deal with the issues that surround us. At the end of the day the only real solution is one that is sustainable; one that will last. And unless we want utter anarchy, deeper reasoning must prevail and connect to our hearts. In my last post, I finished off by saying: There are many individuals who are conscience-stricken and seek solutions for the needy and the betterment of society and the environment at the local level. These individuals often form local enterprises to efficiently coordinate the work required. By themselves, they do not provide a panacea. There is hope, however, but there are great challenges ahead. It is a change in our individual and collective consciousness about...