Looking After Planet Earth And Its Occupants

Dear Reader, “The nature has enough resources for everybody’s needs, but not for everybody’s greed”.(Mahatma Gandhi) Yes, the modern world today - at least that part influenced by Western thought - certainly rests on an attitude of primarily "Me, me" and licence to go for whatever is attainable. I know - in my ignorance I've done it! But I came to rue my actions and I know, after several further decades, that there is a much better route to follow. In the 1970s I came to see the folly of the materialistic life as it was developing and which got worse, particularly from the 1980s. There was enough knowledge available by the 1970s to reverse the materialistic trend, but the Western powers-that-be were not interested, using their ostensible drive against Communism as the basis. By the time Communism had collapsed (by 1990), materialism had taken solid root. Economies were starting to thrive - "Why change this trend?", people thought. The United Nations’ Decade of ...