The Sun In Egypt

Dear Reader, I was drawn to watch a film on TV the other day, but unfortunately missed the main part of it and ended up by watching only its last thirty minutes. But the last part of the film was, for me, riveting. It contained a speech by the main character of the film which fully espouses the main characteristics of what monotheistic religion is all about, and the time period in which it was spoken was the 18th dynasty of ancient Egypt. The film - The Egyptian - is, thankfully, to be found in its entirety on Youtube. See the full film on Youtube. When we think back to the grand epic films of 60 years ago we might automatically think of Ben Hur, Lawrence of Arabia and The Ten Commandments, but those blockbusters came after The Egyptian (made 1954) and the great drama of those films effectively drowned out the story of The Egyptian which might seem naive by comparison, as a production. But The Egyptian, throughout, narrates a story about man himself, and about the challenges...