What Is Above So Is Below

Dear Reader. The universe is hugely mysterious and the story of Earth's history is mind-boggling, yet when history is studied conventionally it can be a very dull subject. But when history and its time frame is revealed in its proper context as part of a much bigger story, a grand tapestry even, it is difficult to reject its allure. So, as Heather Ensworth Ph.D. informs us, in another insightful video of hers, history should really be viewed in the context of the plan of the universe and through astrological understanding. Though reason may take a different view, it is astonishing how each major period in history and its characteristics align with its astrological age. The following table of astrological ages is based on a table appearing in Wikipedia: only the comments (right column) has been changed (extended). This table also varies partly in that I have purposely made it start with the age of Leo. I have taken Leo as being significant because it represe...