Love That Does Not Need Repair!

Dear Reader, Well, do you watch The Repair Shop?! If not, have a little look at this short video. This show has graduated from BBC2 to prime-time BBC1, and for the past week and coming week(s) has also been allocated a daily late afternoon slot on every weekday! It must be good! There is no doubting the wonderful skills of all those several master craftsmen and women that offer their skills to providing - free of charge - repair services to the general public of their prized memorabilia. Anyone who has watched Lucia and her painting restoration and the others displaying their woodwork, mechanical or precious stones restoration capabilities would surely be bowled over by their results. I am not too bothered about the teddy bears, but they know how to repair those, too! The standard response from every satisfied customer has always been "Wow!!" This week, I choose to use The Repair Shop as a theme as I believe it brings to our notice a valuable something that I thought was on...