Perhaps Prince Charles Should Read This?
Dear Reader, Well, nothing seems to be working, does it? Brexit, having failed to happen despite a "Do it or bust" bluster from the P.M., continues to hog the headlines while the huge matter of Climate Change is relegated almost to page 3 material. Worryingly also, is the increasing sense of aggression in the world, locally indicated by the large group of women MPs who now seem keen to stand down because of the violence thrown at them by extremist trolls and others. Some are saying that since Brexit came to the fore in 2016 that society has become more polarised and is the main cause of the aggression just mentioned. But I put it more down to the time in the 1980s and after when the "me, me" society was encouraged - and by a woman MP, indeed: the famed Maggie Thatcher. That period under her stewardship is for me worthy of great study, for I feel that is the time when One Nation Politics seriously started to decline, though it was a partly understandable react...