
Showing posts from February 28, 2016

Doesn't The Question and the Answer Both Start and End With Us?

Dear Reader, I am shortly to be 72, and well-known environmentalist David Suzuki is 79. My name means nothing in the world but the thing we have in common is a realisation - held for 30 or more years - that the old ways are not good enough. We must find a new way of dealing with things ... including considerably more care for the environment. Canadian David Suzuki has been campaigning on this matter for all these decades and still travels around the world to highlight this issue. On Monday (7th March) he appears at Melbourne, Australia as one of a number of speakers on this topic. But ... questions have been raised about Mr. Suzuki's Foundation. Whose interests does it really serve? For example, see (the sidebar of which asks other questions on this matter). Now, I have no personal axe to grind against Mr. Suzuki but what I am simply wanting to hint at is that even on matte...