Will We Get Back To 'Normal'?
Dear Reader, The 'virus' situation has brought about the revelation that there is a huge amount of goodwill in the hearts of the British people, as evidenced in the very large number of volunteers that have stepped forward to help out in the community during this time. And also the specific efforts of individuals such as Captain Tom, which has been remarkable. However, perhaps there is a need also to reflect. Is this 'virus' situation an isolated matter or should it be looked at as part of a bigger picture? The now venerable former Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, has posted a view on the aftermath of the current pandemic, entitled, 'When The Pandemic Is Over, The World Must Come Together' . In this piece, Gorbachev outlines a view that pretty well all of us would subscribe to, I would think. A world of peace and far greater equality is a world that all of us would probably aspire to and I applaud such positivity. My concern, howev...