
Showing posts from December 12, 2021

Tidings of Hope for 2022 and Beyond

Dear Reader, The technology of today is amazing, isn't it, compared to what I remember back in the 1950s when we were only just emerging into the world of TV and jet aircraft. Though computers were then being developed, ordinary people knew virtually nothing about them then and that was true of other technology such as lasers. The structure of DNA had still not been identified. In the UK, quite a number of people still lived in houses with outside toilets back then. Supermarkets only began to take hold in the late 1950s while comparatively few people could afford a motor car. Travelling abroad was a mere glimmer of hope in the eyes of most. Many people took pride in looking after their gardens and even growing their own vegetables. A fairly ordinary garden in the UK of ca. 1960 So, today, when many people concern themselves almost entirely with their I-pads and streaming videos, it might do no harm to reflect back on how everyday life has changed so dramatically in the last 60 or 7...