The Future And The Greatest Goal

Dear Reader, Well, some would say that it's been good while the Capitalist age lasted! It seems to be clear that this era is over as its faults and lack of adaptability are becoming more and more revealed. Not that Communism - as implemented over the years - is the right answer either, and nor is anarchy. As the political writer Jim Wallis said, "The right gets it wrong and the left doesn't quite get it". So, is there such a thing as a true solution? In traditional Socialism, however, resources would be distributed equally by the government to create a classless society. Interestingly, the view of Marx (as against what Communism became) was that after a few generations of people living under the benefits of a socialist system focused on cooperation and sharing, people would learn to work for equality rather than for personal greed and profit. The problem was that Marx did not factor in a quality that was needed to bring about the succ...