The Last Throw Of The Devil?

Dear Reader, So, the UK Chancellor and his friend Liz Truss appear to have decided between them that the notion of One Nation politics is void. It almost looks as though London is to be regarded as a separate state and that the rest of the UK is there just to be enslaved and to pay taxes. Though the government is paying out large sums of money to help people through the Energy Crisis, the money to be borrowed to pay for that will be recouped from the taxes of the same public. Meanwhile, the major energy companies have made huge surplus profits and management and shareholders are left to enjoy it all. The Chancellor and the PM also seem to be deciding that the Environment and Climate Change are secondary issues having removed major restrictions on fracking and town and country planning. So, we face a future of inland wind farms and endless brown sites, already made worse by the proliferation of buildings alongside motorways over the last 25 years. And what of the future? Wha...