The Gospel of Relativity

Dear Reader, In this day and age I am sure that many people will be asking, "Just where is God when his help is needed?", in the midst of all the many challenges that surround us. But, of course, the solution does not reside "out there"; the solution is in our own hands, and in this way: We will find peace and harmony when, despite all appearances, treaties, and boundaries, the Spirit of Love permeates our hearts and until how we relate to each other becomes more important than the results of individual gain. - Walter Starcke This quotation stems from the pen of a man steeped in spiritual reflection and work in the Unitarian church [ an essentially Christian church that rejects the idea of the Holy Trinity and original sin. Its teachings are a legacy from the time of original - pre-Roman - Christianity. Their spiritual philosophy is in accord with many other spiritual paths and wisdom teachings. ] Surely these words from Walter Starcke rather sum up the approach...