The 'Space' Out There Is More Than 'Space'!

Dear Reader, We increasingly hear about mega-rich people being launched into space, proclaiming its marvels. This, while countries are going bone dry, and rising seas are threatening to submerge Pacific islands. People - and life of all forms - are suffering. At least our royalty (Princes Charles and William) have lately spoken out about the wrong emphasis being given to space travel. Prince Charles has long championed the cause for sustainability here, on planet Earth, and his son is following suit. William Shatner (the latest to take a 'spin' up there), has now said that Prince William has got it all wrong - the intention of the space programme is to take industry away from Earth to leave our planet green, he says. So, in other words, the plan is to mess up all the other planets (and 'space') instead! This is very curious thinking! Apart from the fact that just getting launched into space creates a vast pollution imprint on and around the Earth. No, Mr. Shatner...