The Last Throw Of The Devil?
Dear Reader,
So, the UK Chancellor and his friend Liz Truss appear to have decided between them that the notion of One Nation politics is void. It almost looks as though London is to be regarded as a separate state and that the rest of the UK is there just to be enslaved and to pay taxes. Though the government is paying out large sums of money to help people through the Energy Crisis, the money to be borrowed to pay for that will be recouped from the taxes of the same public. Meanwhile, the major energy companies have made huge surplus profits and management and shareholders are left to enjoy it all.
The Chancellor and the PM also seem to be deciding that the Environment and Climate Change are secondary issues having removed major restrictions on fracking and town and country planning. So, we face a future of inland wind farms and endless brown sites, already made worse by the proliferation of buildings alongside motorways over the last 25 years.
And what of the future? What does our so-wise government envisage for the future of the country, its aims and its contribution to the purpose of life?
The Tory Party - as the Daily Mail now reveals - has now applied (at last, they say) a "true Tory budget". The Tory view of life is to make the rich richer because all they can see is that their materialist inclination equates to the meaning of life. Economics and material expansion is all. Religion, if it has any true meaning for them at all, appears to be for attendance at church, mosque or temple, period.
In the current cost of living crisis, these policies are just going to generate more of an attitude of 'we and they'. Are bankers worth so much more than nurses and teachers?
They are gambling on the economic success of their policies just in time for the next General Election in 2024, but at what cost? And, in any case, how does economic expansion equate to the needs of the Environment and, in fact, how can the public purchase the goods delivered out of any expansion if the general public is too financially squeezed to pay for them?
What is also disturbing is how the financial sector has become the major industry in the UK and is viewed as the country's saviour. This is false economics.
The Tory logic has a mindset of its own. Not that the main opposition party has a much better clue regarding economics, but at least they try to apply fair policies: they seek the unity of the country, not its disintegration.
Well, wisdom tells me that the collective aggression that has emerged this year, whether it's China vs Taiwan, Russia vs Ukraine, or the UK Tory Party vs The British Public, is all coming to a peak. These events are all signs of the ego becoming further inflated, and I feel that tensions will continue to increase for another couple of years. But then things will happen that will bring in the New Age, one that will come about. According to the marvellous Walter Starcke:
We will find peace and harmony when, despite all appearances, treaties, and boundaries, the Spirit of Love permeates our hearts and until how we relate to each other becomes more important than the results of individual gain.
This period in time is the last throw of the Devil. In other words, peace will arrive when the ego has been put into its proper place. This is a key message for mankind.
The message of age-old sages and seers, the men (and women) of wisdom, is to give up the feelings of possessiveness, of "I" and "you". All is One. How we treat Mother Earth and Creation rebounds on us. We must try to remember who we are and, if possible, where we came from and to Whom we return.
There is room for hope, and if we can follow these principles, centre ourselves and desire less (particularly the media and entertainment and rubbish food), we will succeed. There is no other valid formula to overcome today's obstacles.
Thank you for reading this.
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