Age of Aquarius? The Second Coming?

Dear Reader, The shortest day of the year, December 21st, has just passed us by but much has also been made of the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn that was first visible that day. It is being said by some that this event ushers in the astrological Age of Aquarius. Further, because of how close the date of this year’s Great Conjunction is to Christmas day, many are comparing it to the Christmas Star that Catholics believe heralded the birth of Jesus. I am writing about this Great Conjunction and Age of Aquarius , not because I am specifically interested in astrology, but because I do believe that everything in the universe is inter-connected, and if that is the case, why shouldn't movement of planetary bodies generate different types of energy that affect everything within our solar system? It is only in the past few decades that people have become more fully aware of how the Earth's myriad of different species are inter-dependent, so to include p...