Simple ... And Now, Not When or Which Religion
Dear Reader, We have this extraordinary perspective of talking in terms of one religion versus another without making an honest effort at trying to seek out what is the commonality between different ... what I shall call 'ways'. I prefer this line of thinking... You speak of obstacle... and I speak of strength... You speak of losing this, gaining that... and I speak of peace... You speak of tears and pain... and I speak of endurance and wisdom... You speak of change and time... and I speak of stillness and equal mindedness... You speak of how and when... and I speak of here and now... You speak of becoming and wanting... and I speak of being and contentment... You speak of religion and worship... and I speak of truth and simplicity... You speak of success and failure... and I speak of accepting and standing... You speak of wishes and dreams... And I speak of reality and awareness... You speak of divinity and seeking God... And I spe...