This Probably Notes A Transition Into A New Age

Dear Reader, Some people in the UK seem to think that we're now on the path to getting 'back to normal'. But what is 'normal'? History shows that life morphs from one reality to another. The passing of the Duke of Edinburgh and his attitude towards duty and service may be an actual indication of that very situation taking place; the movement into a new 'normal'. But just what will it be like? One month ago, much of the English-speaking world was agog about the 'Harry and Markle Show', with quite a number of people quite blatantly accepting everything that was said on the Oprah interview as being 'fact', even though it was clear there were so many inconsistencies in the statements of the pair. The reactions to this interview thereby prove the prejudiced capability of anyone, no matter what side of the fence they are on. A black person can be just as prejudiced as a white person. Then there was the downright and undue criticism that Harry voi...