A Rainbow Over Windsor ... And The Nation

She became the Queen in '52, and ever since, reigned over me and you. And whatever this nation had to face she was there, smiling, in good grace. Always happy, always giving, to be a lifetime servant was her calling. Just as on that day in '52, and on her Coronation Day, too; she passed away while the blessed rain fell from the heavens with a marked refrain. And over her home at Windsor, too, the manifest rainbow gave us a clue... This Sceptred Isle has lost a great spirit; a gift of God, let's give that credit. She led a Commonwealth from nations seven, to dozens more seeking an earthly heaven. Peace be to all, was her Christian ideal, and strove towards that with quiet zeal. And on that note I confess: "Thank you, farewell, and bless you, good Queen Bess".