The Number Seven

Dear Reader, The esoteric writer John Michell stated: “The division of numbers into the odd and the even reflected the division of the universe into positively and negatively charged elements.” Michell further wrote: “Plato’s evident intention was to identify number as the archetype of creation and to draw attention to those particular numbers that constitute its core and that, in various combinations, generate the entire field of number.” There are plenty of people who scoff at numerology, but since numbers played a significant part in the work of Plato and then, significantly, Pythagoras's work, perhaps it's not such a daft subject after all! Pythagoras was, after all, a magnificent spiritual teacher, not just the author of a geometrical theorem, which wasn't his anyway! There are supposed to be certain very important numbers, and the number seven is one of the chief figures. The Pythagoreans, in fact, invested particular numbers with unique spiritual properties. The num...