How To Find Peace

Dear Reader, The world continues to be in all manner of chaos - with CCC (COVID and Climate Change) being central to that situation, of course. There is a lot that's not all hunky-dory, but I am certain that amidst all that is being reported there are fresh roots growing, and that peace (individual and global) is attainable. There is particularly good news for all of us, in fact, and it lies in a conundrum that a great sage mentioned not so very long ago. This is a paraphrase of what he said: Your mind is continuously buzzing, or there are various conflicts occurring around you, and you say to yourself, "I want peace". You want to know how you are to obtain peace. The answer is simple: remove "I want". Then you are left with "peace". Does this sound too simple? In one way it is - it sounds trite. How could peace simply be found if one literally took that step? But, of course, the literal explanation is not really what is meant. In fact, it is ...