Can Extreme Enemies Become Friends?
Dear Reader, We hear how ISIS/Daesh "must be destroyed". But if we were to think back to 2003 wasn't the organisation to be destroyed called al-Qayida? And they still exist. Furthermore, ISIS/Daesh have since appeared and are even a worse foe. Therefore, isn't it logical that if we keep bombing it will only create further groups that want to throw their spite at the West, as they have appeared in Libya and other places? Just what is the alternative? In my view it's to turn the whole thing on its head and do something that stands a chance of removing these hate groups. Something peaceful! Abraham Lincoln is reported as saying: " Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends? " Well, it must be said that he didn't totally succeed as someone shot him; but that's another story for analysis at some other time. Just now, I'd rather look into the crux of this quotation of his. In fact, Lincoln can be quoted many times in how he...