Where Do I Come From, Daddy?
Dear Reader, Daddy's answer to the child's question about his origins might lie in the proverbial gooseberry bush, of course, or Daddy could be more forthright and tell the child more fully about the birds and the bees. But there's another, possibly more profound, meaning in the question. It could be interpreted as a question about who we are as a culture; what is our culture? I suppose we all know that we British are more of an amalgam created from Latin and Germanic sources than anything else, but where lies the root of the Latin and Germanic peoples? This is a question that you might say is only relevant to the academic; that in this day and age we are merely concerned about survival and "progress". Er, except that the definition of "progress" is now very questionable given the nature of environmental and climate change issues, apart from social problems - not just in our little part of the world but increasingly around the world where 'the West...