Behind COVID, Other Developments Are Being Revealed

Dear Reader, A week ago, my wife and I ventured out from our city enclave for the first time in eight months. Yes, until then , in common with many others, our ventures from home were entirely centred on essential shopping and nothing else. Thank goodness for Whatsapp to actually be able to see other members of the larger family as birthday celebrations came around for each one of us - nearly all, as it happened, taking place between September and May! Our trip out last week was a mere 12 miles to a theme park, but importantly it was a meet-up with a son and his wife and children. Sad to say that our grandchildren were uncertain about us initially; almost as though we had been totally estranged. Perhaps we had begun to take on the persona of virtual people on Whatsapp - that we were no longer seen to have a real body, mind and spirit! Anyhow, my big frame somehow survived the cramped rigours of a Thomas the Tank Engine train ride! And then, after an enjoyable day, came...