The Rational Mind: Is It Crazy?

Dear Reader, I never made one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking (Albert Einstein) Yet, despite Einstein's honesty, and despite all the clamour about man's superior intelligence over the years, and the supposed superiority of science, what has rationalism brought us to? What certainties does it posite? The only ones I can see are masked in illusion. So-called rationality has helped to lead us into continual wars - including two massive World Wars within 50 years - and that, plus our unthinking war against our own planet, has latterly brought the world to the brink of collapse. To quote author Vincenzo Belmonte: The rationalist skeptic... has no conclusive evidence in his hands to have faith in his parents, in his partner, in his children, in his friends, in his nation, in science, in history, in progress, in mankind, in today's world, in tomorrow's world and above all in himself. All beliefs in this regard stand on brittle stilts, falling into ...