Are We To Eat or Heat?

Dear Reader, Well, in the past two years we have experienced COVID and are still trying to find out how to live with it as it continues to mutate, and now we have another war at hand - virtually on the UK's doorstep - in the Ukraine. This war has sparked off a crisis in two major economic respects - the supply of energy forms (gas and oil) and the supply of wheat and other foodstuffs. The effect of the foregoing issues - and the already existing effects of the Climate Change situation - has precipitated an enormous increase in the cost of living, not only in foodstuffs but also, and particularly, the cost of energy. We all know that the situation for many has got to the point of having to choose between eating or heating. The UK prime minister has gone so far as to admit that poorer people in the UK may have to choose between buying food to keep the body alive or energy to keep warm. This has come after the prime minister announced what the government's energy strategy woul...