Who Am I? And Who Are You? But What Questions Are These?
Dear Reader,
A national economic crisis looms large, with leadership problems to go with it. In the main, we are transfixed by it all. There are no easy answers but wisdom tells us to look through the problem; to look through and identify the true causes and effects so that we may understand how to properly deal with the issues that surround us.
At the end of the day the only real solution is one that is sustainable; one that will last. And unless we want utter anarchy, deeper reasoning must prevail and connect to our hearts.
In my last post, I finished off by saying:
There are many individuals who are conscience-stricken and seek solutions for the needy and the betterment of society and the environment at the local level. These individuals often form local enterprises to efficiently coordinate the work required.
By themselves, they do not provide a panacea. There is hope, however, but there are great challenges ahead. It is a change in our individual and collective consciousness about who we are and our relationship to 'the All' that must evolve for true and lasting solutions to take place.
Perhaps there are questions as to what I mean by that.
Well, as I have often said, unintentionally or otherwise we get caught up in the material way of life that we have now come to believe is 'the norm' - that we can't see any practical alternative. After all, bills have to be paid and children are to be fed, etc. etc.
But subjecting all our serious thinking just to that, we also become so prone to the great vicissitudes of the national (and world) economy and of government, and it seems to me that many think that it is up to the government to fix things. But does the government really know? And to fix what by which solution? Who is looking into the future to determine what is needed and sustainable in the long term?
What if the government (whatever political colour it is) continues to think those old ideas of growth and economic management are virtually the only parameters that should be looked at? What if the government is choosing to ignore the situation that is affecting the whole world - where economic and natural disasters in some countries are forcing large-scale migrations, for example. Not to mention the Ukraine situation, but that last one seems not to be ignored by our government.
The world is changing in many ways as we look, but governments are slow to perceive that change to the depth needed. They tend to look purely at economic science as their sourcebook and are thus ill-equipped to be able to vary their methods well enough.
As things are, the market for our manufacturing and service industries becomes more and more focused on countries using the same methods as ourselves and are comparatively wealthy. No wonder China is able to influence lesser world economies and they become dependent on China as a result. And the pressure is also on to resume fossil fuel sourcing for energy supplies.
That is the national and world situation in a nutshell. So what's the alternative?
It's surely contained in this phrase I used above, as the starting point:
It is a change in our individual and collective consciousness about who we are and our relationship to 'the All' that must evolve for true and lasting solutions to take place.
And according to the marvellous Walter Starcke, this is the underlying issue:
We will find peace and harmony when, despite all appearances, treaties, and boundaries, the Spirit of Love permeates our hearts and until how we relate to each other becomes more important than the results of individual gain.
Is it that we need to balance up a bit and become more right-brain orientated? Is that the basis that the world needs? A way of thinking that takes all reality into account, one that understands more the true needs of mankind and the world in total. It may sound a tall order, but if we were to look inside ourselves we will see commonality and a basis for cooperation along sustainable lines. The future world (one that is right upon us) cannot be based on power or corruption: those have developed because man had lost control of his mind.
When we look deeply into all the main religious teachings we will find a common element, and that is the need for love. Not altogether human love but one that is directed towards the divine. Peace is also aimed for in religious teaching as a result of love.
The ancient teachings of India summarise the nature of the divine connection quite simply: that the totality of the universe (which is energy, not lumps of rock and space) is God, the Creator, the Father, or whatever else one chooses to call the Entity that caused all this. He is certainly not an old man sitting on a cloud, though doubtless that manifestation could be created!
Therefore, as with the remainder of creation, human beings are - if we would realise it - connected to the divine. Indian practical philosophy calls the divine element of the human being the atma, while 'God' is the paramatma; not a God 'out there' but one that is in and surrounding everything in creation. 'The All'.
Thus man, when attuned to the lifeforce that is God the Creator through the atma, can intuitively learn what is wise. Man has always been fond of doing his 'own thing' but, particularly in the last 400 years, man has generally isolated himself more and more from the Divine and the Divine Purpose. It is a re-connection with the Divine Purpose that is the only permanent solution to the situation that now faces the world.
Going back to what Walter Starke said (above), his reasoning is in tune with Indian thought as he recognises that all men and women are really brothers and sisters in their link through the atma, and once we come to be in tune with that concept and as an actuality then Love (through compassion) will evolve and we will realise that cooperation through the principle of Divine Love is the true answer to it all. This is part of the essential teaching of Jesus, the Master.
It is partly through education that more compassion can be realised in this world. To this end, the field of Education In Human Values (EHV) is now well-established throughout the world by various faith groups, but it is not commonly talked about, despite its success over the last 20 years or more. It is this common-to-all heart and right brain approach that is key, however, as it's the upcoming generation that will be supporting the world's transformation.
Science - and all knowledge and whatever it is that interests us - will then find its true usefulness in the order of things. Sadly in some ways, we may have to suffer some more hard-learnt lessons before that truth is more fully realised, that Human Values are far more important and that the sciences should become subservient to the Will of 'The All'.
Thank you for reading this.
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