Are World Events Bringing About The Biblical Armageddon?

Dear Reader, I emerged out of World War Two as a one-year-old and what I encountered in the aftermath, as I grew up in a reasonably happy family in the UK, was a note of positivity. No one wanted any more wars after 10 years of extreme suffering spread over 30 years; 10 years in which many millions were killed or maimed. These wars had been too close to home. The UK was set back on its heels having been virtually bankrupted by a war effort to - ostensibly - retain a free world. What the UK populace called for in 1945 was peace based on social justice and opportunity for all. A General Election brought a sea change in the kind of national government wanted, a government that was committed to much-improved education open to all and a healthcare system to replace the unaffordable to most system that was previously in place. These things happened, or were initiated, but not without experiencing severe austerity to help pay for it. But the fact that these changes happened created improvemen...