What Is Above So Is Below

Dear Reader.

The universe is hugely mysterious and the story of  Earth's history is mind-boggling, yet when history is studied conventionally it can be a very dull subject. But when history and its time frame is revealed in its proper context as part of a much bigger story, a grand tapestry even, it is difficult to reject its allure.

So, as Heather Ensworth Ph.D. informs us, in another insightful video of hers, history should really be viewed in the context of the plan of the universe and through astrological understanding. Though reason may take a different view, it is astonishing how each major period in history and its characteristics align with its astrological age.

The following table of astrological ages is based on a table appearing in Wikipedia: only the comments (right column) has been changed (extended). This table also varies partly in that I have purposely made it start with the age of Leo. I have taken Leo as being significant because it represents the start of an age indicated by a new point of precession (approximately 10750 BCE). And it was during this age that the Ice Age ended, and it is also said to have witnessed the final destruction of the legendary continents of Mu/Lemuria and Atlantis. 

The astrological ages are based on the very real precession of the equinoxes and the backwards wobble of the Earth's axis through the constellations, which lie in a circle around the earth along the ecliptic, the belt of the equator. Ages are measured by the wobble of the earth's axis as the North Pole points down towards and marks each age or constellation in succession. This wobble takes 25,920 years to complete, and in one complete cycle there are twelve ages of 2,160 years each. The cycle is then repeated.

It is important to note that each astrological age band is not (in reality) as precise as it is shown - there is considerable overlap, in fact, so that some say the Age of Aquarius has already (at 2022) begun its influence. Different astrologers see some variation in the start-end dates, probably because it is difficult to fix precise dates.

Astrological Age

Start Date

End Date



10750 BCE

8600 BCE

Leo indicates fresh beginnings. The earliest proven urbanisation is claimed at this point. However, there are non-conventional historians that claim that the Sphynx physically points to the rising of Leo at this time and hence claim that the Sphynx derives from that time. This claim is more substantiated by the indication of rain erosion on its body, from a time when Egypt possessed a much more moderate climate.


8600 BCE

6450 BCE

Cancer rules food, agriculture, animal domestication, house building, settled communities (all manifesting during this time), and the mother.


6450 BCE

4300 BCE

Gemini symbolises communications, therefore the invention of writing. It is thought that the ancient writings of India (the Vedas) began to be written down early in this period. Also increased trade between peoples.


4300 BCE

2150 BCE

Age of fine buildings and refinement. The Bronze Age and the rise of its associated civilizations, such as Ancient EgyptAncient Mesopotamia. Near-Eastern Bull cults existed.


2150 BCE

1 CE

The Iron Age, the Axial Age and so-called Classical civilisations of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. All are symptomatic of the intellect ruling with aggression being part of this in conformity with the nature of the star sign.

Pisces (current)

1 CE

2150 CE

The transformation of spiritual teachings into religions, such as Christianity (symbolised early on as the ichthys) and Islam; the beginnings of globalisation


2150 CE



A Golden Age is predicted based on spirituality. Also more conventionally predicted to feature "Communications, travel innovations and humanitarianism."

A much more extensive study of this subject and its relationship to history can be found in a paper published in 2009. The events of the period 2010-2025 are very accurately predicted in that 2009 paper. Its view on the 2010-2025 period leading into the Age of Aquarius is thus:

The positive side of this phase, if we can access that potential, is the possibility of collecting and integrating all the various ideologies that divide our world into a new and more inclusive paradigm that can help lead us into the Age of Aquarius. [However,] There will be an increase of new ideas that may create arguments and divisiveness when set against traditional ideas. ...

After all the trauma since 2001 perhaps there is at least some semblance of people at large coming to a more realistic view of how to manage relationships with one another and with planet Earth. Perhaps that semblance may take another 2 or 3 years to make itself clear as war, poverty and migrations remain profoundly manifest. The year 2025 appears to be quite significant in many predictions.

All of what is narrated above relates, of course, to the only historical period that we can relate to in terms of the physical evidence of man's existence, other (we tend to think) than via fossilised skeletons. But there is another way we can find out something of what happened before the last Leo age (10750-8600BCE) by relating Vedic (Indian) scriptures to astronomical alignments. The Vedic scriptures contain statements of what astronomical alignments existed at the time of the recording of the scripture, and therefore it is possible to relate the Vedic events to a specific time. The Vedic events become more plausible thereby.

Beyond that, there are other sources to refer to, but their authenticity is often questioned and regarded as mythology in academic circles. Nevertheless, it is not unreasonable to assume that mankind has been proceeding through a physical and spiritual evolution for countless years. Science has proven that periodically there have been times when evolution has taken a leap forward following a cataclysm. 

There is no substantive reason to believe,  however, that advanced civilisations did not exist prior to 10,750 BCE except for our prejudice in the virtual absence of physical proof of the legends. But as those civilisations would have been utterly lost as a result of cataclysms then we cannot expect to find physical proof. 

Madame Blavatsky's Theosophical works (and that of other Theosophists) should appeal to the broad-minded. There is much in those works to act as a sound basis for rational consideration towards understanding the history of Man, and their material has since been found to contain much value. By contrast, the findings of Darwin are now often regarded as primitive by comparison.

Modern science has come to recognise that great intelligence is at work in the universe, and (importantly) many regard this great intelligence as the source of life, which has been purposefully created. As the Rg Veda (a portion of the Vedas) of India states:

The laws of heaven were born 
Of consciousness set on fire,
From this came the stillness of the night,
And from this also the ocean with its waves. 

As modern science well accepts, the universe consists mainly of energy and in a form through which intelligence can be transmitted. Hence the idea that history should match the influence of the astrological age being studied is a very reasonable one as the events of that time are so clearly influenced by such a source of natural energy attuned to the time.

Surely now is the time to transcend the findings of conventional science which hitherto has depended on physical proof.

What is being written here is not to be taken as a suggestion that we should live our lives by following astrological charts, although ordinarily we probably cannot shake off astrological influences entirely. Apart from the influence of the stars in astrology, numbers and sacred geometry all play a huge part in the organisation of the universe. But that is all just the framework; we have our own part to play.

If there is any doubt about hidden truths in the universe, including consciousness, then perhaps this 1993 BBC video about Dr. Rupert Sheldrake and his then cutting-edge (but regarded as heretical) work looking into morphic forms will inspire our understanding. More recent videos by Rupert Sheldrake can be seen here.

In fact, Sheldrake was not altogether the originator of this form of thinking. Roots of such thoughts can be found in the work of the Russian cosmologist and esotericist P. D. Ouspensky dating back to the turn of the 20th c. in the context of human development and man's relationship to the universe. Sir Francis Bacon's thinking and more ancient strains of thought along these lines can also be found.

Dr. Lyall Watson's Supernature (1974) is also fascinating reading. In 1976 I had the privilege of being present and listening to Lyall Watson in a debate with a conventional scientist about the phenomena he described.

The fact is that the energy perceived by recent modern science is really the manifestation of Divine Love. However, it would appear that the real and ultimate purpose of our human lives is to transcend the normal influences of the universe, which often causes suffering and pain, as well as temporary happiness. It's how we meet those "imposters" (a word suggested by the poet Rudyard Kipling in his poem If...) that makes the difference.

We should therefore endeavour to follow the eternal spiritual code to find equanimity and true purpose in our lives. This viewpoint will become more manifest from 2025 onwards as a result of our change (upliftment) of consciousness and our realisation of the importance of conscience and intuition.

Thank you for reading this.


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