These Changing Times - How To Cope?

Dear Reader,

The following article is based on one I wrote in 2019, but it is updated to include some further details that have emerged.

It is more than 10 years since people were being alerted to the phenomenon called the end of the Mayan calendar - 21st December 2012. People popularly thought that this was another "End Of The World" hoax, but its meaning was a lot more profound. Since then it has fast disappeared from our consciousness. Should we still be concerned about it? This article discusses why it is still relevant.

An alert to the 2012 event was made manifest as a crop circle in 2008. The picture below shows this in the form of a diagram of our solar system.

The place and the date of a crop circle is shown, but the most interesting thing is that from the positions of the planets in this crop circle it was possible to calculate a date that corresponded quite accurately to the planetary positions that would occur on the aforementioned 21st December 2012. 

Significantly on this date, our Sun and the Earth crossed the Milky Way galactic plane –  an event that only occurs approximately every 26,000 years – heralding a change from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. 

About this, the late cosmologist John Major Jenkins wrote:

For human beings on [E]arth, the period of increasing spiritual darkness is about to end. We are going to ‘turn the corner’ and enter a phase of ascension toward the next Golden Age, when spiritual light and consciousness will dawn into the world again. The coming galactic alignment is a cosmic event that invites us to grow spiritually. It is built into the Divine Plan and identifies the time we live in as a time of rare opportunity for our growth.

We can identify this period of shift, the Global Shift, as stretching between 1980 and 2016. It is fascinating how the Maya insightfully encoded knowledge of this future alignment into their calendar. They also encoded this galactic alignment into their basic institutions. For example, the Mayan ballgame is a metaphor for the sun (the game-ball) moving into Galactic Center (the goal-ring). 
On top of that, there are messages in the Great Pyramid of Egypt that indicate changes (as published in The Great Pyramid Decoded by Peter Lemesurier, 1977 (reprinted 1996):
Between 2004 and 2025 (+/- 3 years): the collapse of materialist civilisation.
Between 2014 and 2032 (+/- 3 years): a spiritual low-point among mankind.
From around 2025 there begins an upward change in societies …

Are we not seeing - right now - evidence of these shifts actually taking place?

Significantly we are now in 2022, 10 years since 2012, and 10 years away from 2032, which is the forecasted approximate time when the spiritual low-point comes to an end. Or, more to the point, at the start of a new age. We are now at the mid-point, and by 2025  it would appear that we should begin to see the positive outcome from all this change that is currently nearing its climax. 

So, the and of the Mayan calendar  (2012) did not mean the end of the Earth. What it does mean is that there will be plenty of change and hope about the new age, Aquarius, which symbolizes freedom, equality, cooperation, global consciousness and reason prevailing over emotional reactions. All the signs of change that we are currently seeing are pointing in this general direction.

However, while cosmologists and astrologers agree with the above-stated timescales and are 'seeing' that kind of change emerging from around 2025 and much speeding up of time,  some of the forecasters are focusing on the rapid growth in advanced technologies, including AI. That is the focus of some - not the spiritual one that this change is really all about.

It is already proven that the old materialistic/mechanistic ways will not do, and so too neither will pure reliance on advanced technologies, such as those just identified. Neither will antiquated political systems work satisfactorily in a new spiritual age. A new spiritual age is predicted in the scripture of various cultures but, unfortunately, the materialistic age in which we live ignores such wisdom.

Currently, of course, the challenges may seem immense, especially in the face of pandemics and escalating prices and (for many) shortages of key supplies. And, not least, Climate Change. This is the time of trauma and the question is, "How do we face it?" A seasoned clinical psychologist and astrologer, Heather Ensworth, claims that there are four ways in which we typically deal with trauma: Fight, Flight, Freeze and Fawning (meaning to give in, which she regards as the most dangerous). 

But Heather advocates - in common with various spiritual teachings - another approach to trauma, and that is to focus on the eye of the storm, which is to recognise and focus on the spiritual heart and the fact that we are really not, despite appearances, merely individuals but part of a whole and subject to a far greater intelligence - if we would trust in that. 

That 'greater intelligence' knows all - not our politicians nor the materialistic business structures that have been allowed to inexorably grow to horrendous proportions and which try to take away individual responsibility. The current materialistic system is the modern religion, but one that is doomed to fail.

This video of Heather in conversation about the change should be of interest.

The spiritual heart is our real and eternal self and the senses - which generally take control unless we are conscious - are mere manifestations of our bodily self, which is temporary. Focus and meditation on the spiritual heart are key to overcoming trauma and confusion.

So, there we are. The Tory leadership debacle, the English Lionesses and CO2 emissions are mere distractions from that which we should be focusing on. That is, how to grow into a future that will be transforming and fulfilling - a future that will bring back life unto itself.

But the future starts with the here and now - the success of our personal future will result only from what stance is taken right now.

Thank you for reading this.


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