Ukraine, Covid, Climate Change, Cost of Living: Anything Else?

 Dear Reader,

Life seems to contain constant contradictions and perhaps the most obvious is the situation of the world today, further provoking the question, "With so much suffering prevalent in the world, why - if there is a God - is God not doing anything about it?"

So now we have the situation in the Ukraine with what we must take to be unwarranted suffering being applied to its citizens, and yet the man sitting on the Russian throne seems to be utterly unfeeling about their plight. We watch on, wondering, "What next?", and perhaps asking, "What are we to understand from all that has been building up, particularly since the start of the Millennium?"

I choose to take William Blake's view in his quote above. 

For me, there is a satisfactory explanation as a result of becoming more aware of the history, knowledge and sciences that have existed in India for countless years. In the situation that exists, I point to the Indian knowledge that we are now experiencing an age that is far, far removed from an age long, long ago in pre-history, when purity existed and men acted according to truth and with honour.

We are today - and have been for the last 5,000+ years - been living in the fourth yuga (era) when very dense conditions have existed and which has brought about so much evil - and more so with the advent of technology and use of the brain over the heart.

The following image describes this theory of time in more detail. Note that the current age will ultimately give way to a new age of purity.

Click on the image to enlarge

This situation appears to demand that to remain properly focussed, we have to concentrate on the meaning of our existence to derive a purpose for ourselves - not to just let life drift. And this means that we should consider our everyday role in life very deeply, particularly in acting according to compassion: towards love and forbearance.

Shakespeare (or whoever wrote under his name) said, in "As You Like (Act 2, Scene 7)" about our role on the Earth's stage:

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts...

It's a statement that opens an observation in this play on the seven ages of man, from birth to his demise, but embedded in the above quotation is found a second meaning. That second meaning alludes to the fact that each and every person does not have just a role to play for the world but also one that is subject to assessment by the Great Observer. 

We do not just play to a worldly audience but also play a part towards the One from whom we came, and whereas our performance is immediately responded to by the audience in the theatre, the quality of our performance for the Great Observer is not usually reported back to us until we have left this mortal coil. Except in regard to one fact: that 'What goes around comes around ...', that at some point in time what we have done or said - good or bad - might rebound on us. 

That is a part of the natural law, and we cannot escape it (without God's grace), though we can (I know) ameliorate it depending on how far we choose to apply spirituality in our lives.

The conditions that exist today have been created by mankind and the view that it has created about itself. But we have been given a choice. That is what is so important - the ability to rise above the mundanity that surrounds us that is fostered by increasing media and technology pressures. It is the difference between life and death (to the soul within us).

It was Michael Jackson who said, "Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons."

A return to our natural selves is the priority for our individual and collective spiritual evolution.

However, though spiritual positivity is the only real option, I feel - and believe - that we still have three (just three!) further years of progressive challenges to face. Only from 2025 will we begin to see positive situations emerge - but there will be a time when we will look back and be able to perceive the truth of it all.

Thank you for reading this.


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