Something Fishy In The Cat's Eyes

 Dear Reader,

The world is floundering. Surely everyone can see it? However, it could be said that most ordinary people are now more glued to the cost of living situation that has emerged this last few months, while those who are more well-heeled have more time to take in the terrible situation in Ukraine and quickly come forward to help out the many refugees. 

All this while people are encouraged to think that what was normal a few years ago can continue.

While government leaders all prepare in some way for the Climate Change challenge, they are taking every care not to hurt the interests of big business too much for they fear that by doing so they will harm the economy of their countries.

They do all this while frequently ignoring some of the basic issues that are already hurting our planet in a very fundamental way - such as the need for healthy soil to grow healthy food. Anyone who saw the Save Soil project launch in London on the 20th will have been impressed by the leadership and reasoning about this so simple but underlying issue, one that is in common with the issues concerning water and forestry. There is already a food crisis: 52% of the world's soil is already degraded. Farmers are committing suicide.

Without good soil - free of agents that poison - the world will not be able to properly feed the ever-burgeoning population of the world. See this page for more information and to offer your support.

The state of affairs is such that it has become clear that the world's leadership looks to science as the leading authority to solve the problems, even when science only partly understands the way the universe works. All that science does (in reality) is to look and admire and occasionally pick up a tit-bit of understanding.

How could they understand more? Did the scientists create the universe to be able to know the principles involved in that magnus opus? Of course not. Can technology be developed to better wisdom? Of course not; technology is merely a tool.

Wisdom - however you define it - is these days not respected unless it can be demonstrated that it works. And wisdom can be practically demonstrated, as in the Save Soil project mentioned just now, or in the efforts of the Schumacher Institute and others. See my website for more about those working on the world's issues from partly or wholly a wisdom standpoint.

More importantly, there have been many spiritual teachers that have indicated what is needed, but they have been largely ignored or their teachings have been misinterpreted.

But despite all those efforts, for all of us, if we are truly concerned about Mother Earth and its inhabitants, it is time to understand a little about the matter of creation and how the universal system works. 

Firstly, it works according to divine love. That is different to human, emotional, love. Divine love is higher because it comes from the Creator. Our awareness is tiny by comparison, but unless we try to relate to that form of love, we will not be able to find the proper answers for the situation we are now in.

Wisdom can be understood best when certain symbols are understood. I will illustrate some symbols that you may have seen.

Quite a few people in the West will recognise the Vesica Piscis as the Christian symbol of Jesus, but how many realise that the symbol predates the Catholic church by perhaps many thousands of years. And that it exists in the cat's eye!

The Vesica Piscis symbol (also known as the Mandorla: meaning 'almond') can be found in Pythagorean Greece, ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, China and Africa - and, importantly, in India. It is the principal symbol that appears in the Flower of Life (click here for details) and it stems from the fundamental of creation itself in sacred geometry (a geometry that very much preceded Euclid and on which he based his more prosaic propositions).

A general explanation of the Vesica Piscis (click to enlarge)

Sacred geometry has been utilised in the design of Gothic cathedrals throughout Europe from the 12th century onwards but also way before that in the design of ancient temples including the Temple of Solomon and major temples of India and Thailand (Siam) and elsewhere.

Today, science is beginning to comprehend the symbolism and meaning of sacred geometry (including the Vesica Piscis). Here is one interesting scientific paper on the application of the idea as applied in Gothic cathedrals. (Frontiers of Architectural Research, Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2021.)

Examples of the Vesica Piscis in crop circles (top), Glastonbury Chalice Well and in a nebula. 

Moving on, if you measure the distance where the two circles of the Vesica Piscis meet and the height at the widest point you get a ratio of 265 to 153, which equals 1.7320261. This is as close as you can get to the square root of three, an important number that we will return to. 

Note that in ancient Greece, during the time of Pythagoras and Archimedes, 153 was known as the ‘measure of the fish’, and this reference to fish leads us into a story contained within the New Testament of the Bible.

It was observed by people such as Jon Michell that the New Testament in its Greek form is told in a certain way using words constructed according to a form of ancient mathematics known as gematria, which is based on a system of substitution of numbers for letters. References to 'gematria' follow.

John 21:11 tells of the second miracle of Jesus. His fisherman disciples had not caught anything all day, so Jesus told them to throw the net over the right side of the boat: “Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, a hundred and fifty and three [that 153!]: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken.”

Just to round this off, let us look at the number of this verse – 21:11. In gematria, 21 equals 3 (2+1). Three is the number of creation. Master numbers are perfect creations and eleven is a master number. In gematria, two is derived from adding the digits one and one in the number eleven. Two is the perfect balance of male and female which by nature pro-create. The chemical union of two creates three.

There are many other clues concerning the mystical world through the study of gematria in the Bible, and other scriptures too.

So, what is the point of this information (which is a mere insight into much else)?

It is to try to illustrate that there is a depth of understanding - even mystical understanding of life that is to be found and (I would suggest) should encourage further study to help put right the many things that need to be put right.

It is also to illustrate that, in reality, all mankind - all creation - is subject to natural laws that we are meant to follow. However, man is given the option. I have to ask, however, if man knows of the option? 

After all, we are these days made to think according to the way society behaves from an early age, and then educated in such a way to primarily meet the needs of society and the nation. How many are really able to think for themselves?

For example, in the matter of the Ukraine crisis, Putin is regarded, understandably, as an ogre.

Yet when the USA attacked Iraq - and particularly at Kerbala - with the loss of so many, many people (way, way beyond the damage in Ukraine), everyone just accepted the USA's self-justification without hardly a bleat. Afghanistan and Libya also suffered. Earlier on, Vietnam was also quickly forgotten about. 

The common aspect of both Vietnam and Afghanistan is that the western imposters eventually had to withdraw after much mayhem. Libya's (and Afghanistan's)  problems continue.

Ukraine - being closer to home and being of a recognisable culture - gets looked on differently, while the Yemen and Syria are in such a state. Let alone the plight of Madagascar etc. etc.

Yes, most of us have a cultural bias in some way even though we may not be fully conscious of it. But, as the late wonderful Walter Starcke wrote:

We will find peace and harmony when, despite all appearances, treaties, and boundaries, the Spirit of Love permeates our hearts and until how we relate to each other becomes more important than the results of individual gain.

It should become self-apparent that what can be achieved is awareness through a change of consciousness. This knowledge is only part of the help that is available to recognise that there is a way back for mankind to work in harmony with the Creator.

We all need to be the 'fishes' described above, not by following formal, conventional religion, though that can help to start with, but by exploring our true relationship with the One God - the same God that adherents of all religions pray to. But not just that - we also need to recognise that we each contain a connection to the Creator. It is that which, when utilised, creates the relationship with the One God. A relationship that brings true compassion.

It is not religious ritual and habit that needs to be sought so much but knowledge - gnosis.

"Exploring" the relationship with the Creator will lead to the wisdom needed to find the true solutions to our state of affairs, in peace and harmony. First, we just have to say, in humility, "yes, I will seek faith and apply willingness to learn". Second, to begin living that ideal, one step at a time.

Difficult though it may be, we need to recognise that every person - friend or foe - contains an element of the Creator within them. Hence Jesus's second injunction to "love they neighbour as thyself". All creation, however, is to be treated with love and respect. All is One and all stems from the Creator.

Thank you for reading this.


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