Let's Go Back To Reality!
Dear Reader,
My last four posts have talked a lot about India and how its advanced civilisation of thousands of years ago influenced the rest of the world, as recently as within the last 500 years. And yet we are generally unmindful of that influence; we do not acknowledge it even if we know about it. Yet that wisdom is still there in the place of its origin, India.
Now, why is this such an important issue and not just a lesson about history?
It is so important because we in the West have only absorbed the end product of India's wisdom, in its numerical system and sciences in general. We have absorbed them as facts and have ignored the basis from which those facts emerged so very long ago and so far away.
The essential corollary to those facts is the wisdom teaching itself, and if we have ignored that wisdom teaching while accepting only that which we have taken to be practically useful, surely we have missed something. What do I mean by that?
Well, part of what I am alluding to is how we have used all our sciences and technology in utilising the Earth's resources with - clearly - precious little wisdom. We have been very clever in manipulating facts to our own (apparent) material advantage and yet have ignored and trodden down life itself in order to make our lives more comfortable.
Yet that great scientific and technological evolution in the West over the last 400 years in particular now seeks answers to our predicament. But rather than use wisdom to identify the cause, we have depended on the physical sciences to tell us the cause of our problem, and it has given us CO2 as being the root cause.
So, based on that over-simplistic criteria we now think that moving over to electric cars (for example) will solve our situation. Will it? The making of electric cars (and other products) will still demand the extraction of resources from the Earth when, in fact, the pain we inflict on the Earth and all its inhabitants is one of the real causes of our situation! Apart from that, the big corporations in the world are doing all they can to eke out resources from the poorer countries, taking advantage of their poverty.
My last four posts have made it quite clear - surely - that India possessed really advanced knowledge, and that the developers of that knowledge were of superior mental equipment. Even then they knew facts such as that the world is round and also the relationship of the planets to our Sun. But it was not only the mental equipment that they possessed but also the knowledge of the moral basis on which that knowledge should be used! This factor is the most important of all!
Those great Indian thinkers came to their scientific conclusions by first of all examining the root cause of everything. And they call the primal cause Brahman (a.k.a. 'God'). And from Brahman proceeded several evolutionary stages through the five principal elements - space, air, fire, water and earth - over a considerable period of time. And over a further very considerable period of time proceeded the evolution of life on Earth that today's sciences partly understand.
Anyhow, there are people in the West (and elsewhere) that genuinely care about the future of planet Earth and its inhabitants. As just one example, the organisation ClientEarth has a role in helping China to bring about a green environment by even prosecuting government departments within China! Please see this TED talk. That is a remarkable thing in itself, but until all the world's leaders recognise the truth about matters related to the meaning of existence and go about their business as ONE people, there will not be real progress.
Self-interest, other than truth itself, is out!
Please see more on my website.
Thank you for reading this.
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