Let This World Awaken

Dear Reader,

When we look at what is happening around us in the world, it would be easy to feel negativity in response to what we see. Afghanistan is one place that causes me to feel utter sorrow at what has been perpetrated there. Much has been wrong in that country for decades - before Western intervention - but now that 'we' have pulled out, the situation has just got immeasurably worse.

But it's not just there. There have been several Middle Eastern countries where people have been reduced to desperate measures just to survive. And the effect of Climate Change in many countries, such as (but not only) Madagascar.

South America is another region where much desperation exists. 

But there are rays of hope. In Peru a simple country woman named Maxima fought largely American-owned gold mining giants who had perpetrated the deaths of local people as a result of poisoning their water supplies, and in general behaving like bullies towards Maxima and others. They tried to usurp her land rights, but she took them to the biggest courts - even in the USA - and has won her march for justice against the greatest intimidation. Admittedly, she was aided by others, such as Greenpeace, but it was she who first stood her ground.

What has been lately happening in the UK in terms of sleaze allegations (as it has been termed, but is more like just plain lying through deliberate obfuscation)  towards the PM seems small by comparison with happenings elsewhere. But the total world situation just seems to reveal that the ordinary people of the world have been led down the wrong road for too long, not just politically but in our educational systems and how we look at things.

We need to insist upon a new approach. But protest - just by itself - will not work. It is not just a matter that only 'they' can solve. There is a way of thinking that we all must find and develop - one that will bring about world unity through true understanding of who we are in relation to the world and the universe.

In my previous post, I wrote about the true part that India has played in world history and the remarkable contributions it made over thousands of years to science, and to knowledge generally. But what that article did not go into more clearly was how the ancient Indian people went about their business. 

The Indian people of old did not know about patents and ownership - certainly not in the way we go about things today. To them, knowledge was freely transferable to all who were interested. There was no price for knowledge - it was a gift in its own right to the world. Even the North American Indians did not at first understand the white man's concept of ownership. To the North American Indian, everything was provided by God and therefore human ownership was anathema to their philosophy. Old world philosophies were common in this understanding of life. Their concept (of stewardship), in fact, is understood in real Christianity, but its truth has not been highlighted by the church in the interest of erroneous material gain.

The 'scientists' of ancient India were actually great sages who searched for truth from the Creator-God through meditative techniques and self-abnegation, and after finding the truth passed it on without seeking material gain nor comfort. How the sages of India lived their philosophy is the real lesson. First and foremost they knew that their existence depended upon the benign gift of their creator - 'God' if you will - who was the cause of their existence. 

What a difference compared to today's mentality! Yet a return to such desirelessness is the basis of our future, would we realise it.

An eminent Indian writer/poet/philosopher, Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), proclaimed:

Here, Tagore stated some of the principles that lie at the core of India's philosophy. It is called 'Vedantic', or from Vedanta, which is the application of India's spiritual principles.

India may have lost such an identity due to 400 years of foreign rule followed by a political system (since 1947) dominated by western thinking, and Tagore called for the return of India to its former philosophy. In fact, it is being slowly restored. We will hear more of it very soon. 

The reality is that pure Indian philosophy is quietly permeating countries such as the USA and even Russia as people are coming to understand what Vedanta is, and so the reality of what I am suggesting is on its way to taking root as a world system of pure thought, not soiled by material desire, competition and ambition. Both capitalism and socialism will be seen to be man-made structures of short-lasting worth. Ego has had its day.

In fact, all the major religions of the world - Christianity, Buddhism and even Islam - stem from the original teachings of India. If the veil of man-made theology were to be lifted from those religions, the light of Vedanta would be clearly seen.

This is the future of the world if its peoples are to survive the man-made horrors that have been perpetrated through misapplied values and material sciences. Only by recognising, in humility, that we all come from One source, and that true knowledge can only be learnt and applied from the same One source - through pure conscience - will man have a worthwhile, peaceful and sustainable future. It can, and will, happen. It has to.

All is One. There can be no other.

Thank you for reading this.


  1. Nothing belongs to you , and yet , you are everything . All is One .
    Man needs to come to this solemn realisation , and learn to apply it heart-fully .


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