The 'Space' Out There Is More Than 'Space'!
Dear Reader,
We increasingly hear about mega-rich people being launched into space, proclaiming its marvels. This, while countries are going bone dry, and rising seas are threatening to submerge Pacific islands. People - and life of all forms - are suffering.
At least our royalty (Princes Charles and William) have lately spoken out about the wrong emphasis being given to space travel. Prince Charles has long championed the cause for sustainability here, on planet Earth, and his son is following suit.
William Shatner (the latest to take a 'spin' up there), has now said that Prince William has got it all wrong - the intention of the space programme is to take industry away from Earth to leave our planet green, he says. So, in other words, the plan is to mess up all the other planets (and 'space') instead! This is very curious thinking! Apart from the fact that just getting launched into space creates a vast pollution imprint on and around the Earth.
No, Mr. Shatner, the matter is not to do with what's 'out there'; what is here and around us is what we have to address.
But one thing that even scientists are now coming to agree on is that the universe is held together by something. There is actually no 'space' out there - it actually is something else, which we will come onto.
So, let us examine the "what is here and around us" issue, for the matter is not just about CO2.
The number of people that yearn for peace in this world would - I hope - vastly outnumber those who seek conflict. Yet there are those amongst the peace-seekers who see 'peace' as some province of their own - it is not the peace of their neighbours across the sea or over the mountains.
And there is the situation of those who seek a kind of 'eye-for-an-eye' justice, ably countered in the Bible, Exodus 21:24, as follows:
An eye-for-eye and tooth-for-tooth would lead to a world of the blind and toothless.
Why cannot there be one 'peace' for all? Because there are those who see their own religion or their nation or their political persuasion as being the best means to their peace. The snag to all of those means is that they are man-made - they do not truly seek something that transcends their notion of peace and which might unify everyone.
In this day and age of so much conflict and environmental concern, don't we need to find a means of bringing people together? Can such a peace be possible?
So, let us examine what might be the basis of a true peace. And to do that, let us examine the world around us.
Firstly, let us describe a circle...
It's also the letter 'O', and it denotes One-ness. A circle is a symbol of truth because all that is, is included within it. It circumscribes all existence.
In this case, I wish the narrative to be about one area of totality (in the universe), and it is that we live on: the planet Earth. It is our home. But we are encircled (and entwined) by the universe, so we are part of that, too! Consider the precision of it all - even the planets of our Solar System know their rightful place!
It should be no surprise, therefore, to see this image and be able to understand what it represents...
One Earth, containing One people, though all of different appearance and different cultures and persuasions.
Still, there is Unity in Diversity, if it were to be realised.
On this Earth there are many religions, but they all talk about One God (how can there be more than One?) and they talk about Peace and their wish to obtain it. The essence of all those religions is the same. But all those religions are but the first stepping stone, the preparation for the journey to the One reality, to the One God.
There is Unity in Diversity, if it were to be realised.
The tragedy is that we tend to only see the outer forms, not the essence, and make outer judgments. Such judgments are usually based on our social conditioning - and, usually, the demands of producing and consuming goods and services of (very often) dubious value.
And because of this everyday pressure (that we accept as normal!), we cannot find an understanding that leads to peace, even though the capability is there - right in front of us.
We need to develop our eyesight! Our inner eye. Our intuition.
In this day and age, when many people - even in wealthy countries - are doing nothing more than living to survive by any means possible, those that are a bit better off are generally absorbed in their material possessions and interests. Or have complete absorption in their families at the expense of everything else.
The thought of what one might be living for - the cause of existence - is disregarded, or put on one side to be looked at later.
Earlier, we touched on the fact that scientists are now coming to an agreement that the universe is held together by something - that 'space' is not, literally, 'space'. There is no 'space' out there - it's actual energy that we can call love!
It's interesting that the scientists are now coming to this conclusion as 100 years ago an esotericist named P. D. Ouspensky published his findings related to this cosmic 'love'. He was not the only one, of course, who possessed this important knowledge.
Becoming aware of this (of the theory at least), what difference - you might ask - does it make to our everyday existence? It should make ALL the difference! How we relate to it determines the real success - or otherwise - of our very lives, and of others!
It is especially relevant now, as the world is undergoing a turbulent time that has global ramifications. At one time, not that long ago, an event would have an effect on only a certain area of the world. Even the two World Wars left some countries untouched, and many more only mildly touched by those horrendous events.
However, today's issues affect everyone! Therefore our perceptions have to be of a universal nature, not parochial. And - lo and behold - there is a universal answer!
The answer is to firstly find our true selves, especially by connecting with All That Is. And how to do it? Through an inner dimension that everyone can relate to, as we are all made of the same stuff! When we begin to understand what universal love is, we can easily give ourselves up for that cause through self-discipline and selflessness.
An analogy is provided by Sri Sathya Sai Baba:
A garland of flowers is made up of two things; flowers that were buds yesterday, that blossomed today, and will fade before morn; and the thread that was, is, and will be. The flower is not eternal, it is evanescent; it represents the individual that is subject to birth, growth and decay; the thread is the Universal Absolute, on which all Individuals are strung.
... individual [people], like these flowers, are of different characteristics and natures and impulses, but the string is one Uniform Consistent Base, the Sacred Thread of the Absolute, that binds all together, in one common Creation.
In each of us - Indian philosophy states - there is an everlasting soul. Indian philosophy calls it the Atma - hence the term Atman. The Atma in each of us is connected to a Mother Atma, otherwise referred to as the Param-Atma. Thus, we are all connected to 'God' through our very souls - and not only with God but with everyone else. The Atma is pure and tries to influence us through our conscience.
We have to listen to our conscience - deeply - to know what is the real truth. We need to find practices that will enable us to penetrate into our true selves and reach that which is pure, thereby enabling us to act in a true way.
We ARE all one - literally! Not just as humans, but with all other life forms too! Studies of the biosphere have confirmed that everything - ALL - is interrelated. We can't argue the point any longer. Homo Sapiens may have the best brains, but we were put here to use them properly and in harmony with all other life forms.
By finding the right practices we can learn to make universal love work for the benefit of, literally, all. The practices are not all going to be the same for everyone, but they are all practices that have the same theme - which we often call by the word spirituality. The language of the heart.
By intently devoting ourselves to the right spiritual practice that is for us, we will also be benefiting our own, personal, future, in this world and the next. Difficulties may not necessarily go away, but at least we would be at peace - with ourselves and, potentially at least, with one another.
So, future world governance is not to be based on journies into space, GNP politics - nor, certainly, nuclear power, nor, even, saving the NHS. It's about understanding and working for the right solutions for ALL based on a common understanding of universal love! We cannot depend on world leaders to finish their discussions and plans for slow change.
It's time for change now! It's time to act! Each one has to address themselves and what they do - not expect others to do it. Because if we don't do it voluntarily it will be forced on us by nature and most likely not in a way that we would want!
What is required is firstly to start reflecting on the situation, When the heart is engaged then sincerity and devotion to the truth should follow - despite feelings and thoughts (the brain) that try to pull you away from it. In fact, any negative promptings should disappear if the devotion is accompanied by loving action, and I would suggest - though I certainly did not originate this motto - that the theme for the world should be: "Love All! Serve All!".
You will find your own spiritual path, but it is to be remembered that whatever pathway we go down, we have to love as we go - no matter what differences of view that we find - as love is the language of the heart and of peace.
The spiritual paths may be many but they all lead to the same God/Creator - the essence of each spiritual path is the same, towards peace.
As the Bob Dylan song went: "The Times They Are A-changin'!" But be prepared!
Thank you for reading this!
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