Trump, Biden and The Secret Influence of Francis Bacon
Dear Reader,
In the midst of this COVID pandemic and the awful grief that so many families have suffered, let alone the sufferings created for people in many other parts of the world as a result of the exertions of misguided western governments and power-crazed ideologies, let alone Climate Change and the rape of the Earth's wildlife and resources, it is refreshing to hear of at least some potential improvement in the world's condition.
Thus, the exit of Donald Trump from the White House must surely be seen as (if nothing else) a symbol of hope. Perhaps we have needed his presence just to see how bad things could become for the Earth's welfare, standards in government and the needy people of America, The question is, "Will the incoming president be able to restore equanimity?"
Following his recent inaugural address, President Joe Biden issued an executive order aimed at reinstating White House ethics standards that were diminished or disregarded by the Trump administration. And in that address, he referred to the fact that "Our history has been a constant struggle between the American ideal that we are all created equal and the harsh, ugly reality that racism, nativism, fear, and demonization have long torn us apart."
He went on:
What are the common objects we love that define us as Americans? I think I know
Opportunity. Security. Liberty. Dignity. Respect. Honor. And, yes, the truth.
Recent weeks and months have taught us a painful lesson. [That] there is truth and [that] there are lies. Lies told for power and for profit.
And each of us has a duty and responsibility, as citizens, as Americans, and especially as leaders – leaders who have pledged to honor our Constitution and protect our nation — to defend the truth and to defeat the lies.
So, the words seem to auger an attempt at restoring sound values in the government of their own country, at least. May the new president and his team receive the support he needs from On High.
However, the American Constitution he refers to was drafted essentially in conformity to the principles of Freemasonry, as is now fairly well known. Several of the country's founding fathers were Freemasons, and where President Biden was speaking at Capitol Hill is part of a Freemasonry map. The well-known obelisk is a reminder of that fact.
These days, many people regard Freemasonry as being just a 'club for the boys', particularly as it has been associated with an old boys' network of police officers and suchlike in the UK. In the eye of the general public in the UK it has gained an air of some notoriety; certainly distrust.
But the aim of the Freemasons has never been to bring justice into disrepute. Quite the reverse. Its aim has always been to encourage the most ideal attitudes in society in tune with justice and sound spiritual principles. Furthermore, Freemasons have wanted to enable access to education for all people in society - a concept that would be seen to be virtually revolutionary before (say) 1688. Even until the 19th c., education for all was vehemently opposed by many people with vested interests.
Officially, the Freemasons of today stem from their creation in London in 1717, and they deny any earlier connection with what might be regarded as similar institutions. However, it seems to be clear that there is a source that must initially lie (in Europe at least) with the Knights Templar and then through the creation of masonry in Scotland after a number of the Knights Templar relocated there following their disbandment through a Papal edict and their suppression following the machinations of the French king in 1307.
From where the Knights Templar gained their knowledge is a story that is too long to relate here, but the suggestion is that it is ancient knowledge and forms what might be called the Perennial, or Eternal, Philosophy. The Templars seem to have rediscovered it in Jerusalem and other sources in the Middle East, and, while ostensibly pronouncing themselves as Christians under special Papal protection, they followed a sacred and secret code. Their knowledge filtered through into the building of the great Gothic cathedrals of northern Europe, which are built according to principles contained in sacred geometry. These same principles have also been used in the construction of Greek and Jewish temples, Islamic masjids (mosques), Buddhist and so-called Hindu temples. The late Keith Critchlow, an artist, lecturer, author and professor of architecture, was an expert in the subject of sacred geometry and pointed out the depth of its usage at Chartres Cathedral.
For some 250 years after 1307 - apart from masonic lodges established in Scotland - the 'masonry' concepts of the Templars seem to have gone underground, but in Britain it began to resurface during the time of the first Queen Elizabeth, although still obscured to public gaze. And it was during her reign that Francis Bacon was born, a person who proved to be one of the greatest geniuses Europe has known though - amazingly - obscure to many people.
A man much misunderstood, misquoted and maligned, Sir Francis Bacon (mentored by - amongst others - John Dee, Queen Elizabeth's '007' and cypher expert, amongst many other subjects) developed an all-embracing philanthropic philosophy, vision and method of operation by means of which the world could build a golden age of wisdom, peace, prosperity and sustainability for all if it wanted to.
Francis Bacon
A polymath, Bacon always understood that his method and science was not for all and would probably never be part of mainstream science, as it requires total commitment to philanthropy or charity. But he hoped that one day it would exist side by side with mainstream science and help to guide and illuminate the latter. Science today, sadly, very often lacks illumination.
As a man of probity and integrity, Bacon was unique in his time. While he was King James's Chancellor (appointed 1618), he was falsely accused in Parliament of taking bribes. He was impeached, stripped of his office and sentenced to a crushing fine. Obeying the command of the King, as demanded by his oath and out of loyalty, Bacon did not defend himself but pleaded guilty to the barren charges. But this, in the 1620 period, was a noted time when corruption was rife in England's government and Bacon was the one person who was beyond reproach, even though he was eventually brought down by his malicious enemies. But though his enemies won the moment, they eventually suffered their retribution for their malice - what goes around comes around, as they say.
Bacon worked strenuously to develop his spiritual and philosophical, yet practical, thesis. Out of it eventually came the formal Freemasonry movement (1717) and it was this organisation that garnered members of the ilk of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin and others, who went on to write the constitution of the USA.
In his own lifetime, Bacon needed a vehicle through which to promote his inherited spiritual knowledge and ideals but was handicapped by various political factors of the time. As a public figure, these conditions meant he could not publish anything that might be seen as being of a threatening nature to the establishment or to the current social mores; to do so would well have meant his arrest and incarceration in the Tower or even his execution. More likely the latter as his sense of integrity earned him many enemies.
It is worth noting that the hiding of special knowledge was in practice at least 2,000 years ago, such was the precaution that such knowledge should not fall into the hands of the profane. Thus, Bacon found that he also needed to hide his truths.
As we shall now discover, it was Bacon that was behind Shakespeare's works. It was the vehicle that Bacon adopted for the transmission of different messages at different levels. The uncovering of this fact was debated many years ago but has been more fully uncovered within the last 25 years, and principally through two people - Peter Dawkins and Petter Amundsen, whose researches - if accepted - are of far-reaching proportions.
Petter Amundsen and his findings
Petter Amundsen, a modest man, believes he has deciphered a secret code hidden in Shakespeare’s first folio. A Norwegian and a church pipe organist by profession, he admits that may be a strange profession for someone writing a book on the topic of what amounts to a hidden treasure, but remarks that his training as an organist is similar to that of a symbologist, as it includes learning about languages and symbols. He is also a member of the freemasonry society, so he, therefore, knew of certain relevant matters about geometry that came out in his research.
However, Petter admits that the 'discovery' he has published is triggered by other investigations going back to the 1930s. It has been pointed out a number of times that Shakespeare's works contain links to freemason expressions, not least of which is this 1996 presentation which lays down the path which Amundesen discovered (but perhaps without his knowledge).
Admitting that he knew little of Shakespeare before 2002, it is interesting that Petter’s initial experience with Shakespeare didn’t impress him and he viewed the idea of codes being embedded in his works with scepticism. Petter would soon find that scepticism in the academic world would obstruct his progress. On this I am reminded of Francis Bacon, who said in his Novum Organum, 1620:
The human understanding when it has once adopted an opinion (either as being the received opinion or as being agreeable to itself) draws all things else to support and agree with it. And though there be a greater number and weight of instances to be found on the other side, yet these it either neglects and despises, or else by some distinction sets aside and rejects; in order that by this great and pernicious predetermination the authority of its former conclusions may remain inviolate.. . . And such is the way of all superstitions, whether in astrology, dreams, omens, divine judgments, or the like; wherein men, having a delight in such vanities, mark the events where they are fulfilled, but where they fail, although this happened much oftener, neglect and pass them by.
But while (of all things!) investigating the stocks and futures markets, Petter came across a story about a cypher on Shakespeare’s gravestone. After discovering important clues in the original text of the gravestone, he became so fascinated that he dropped his investigation into stocks and futures! His future was now Shakespeare, in order to pursue the cypher that had been opened up to his eyes.
Furthermore, the text pointed to another significant name: Francis Bacon - the same person as described above. Thus, Petter was about to give credence to the 200-years-old (or more) suspicion that Francis Bacon was somehow significantly involved in Shakespeare’s works - that perhaps it was Bacon that had written them.
What also came to light is that there was no mention by Shakespeare about his literature in his will. Indeed, the original scripts have never been found! Furthermore, how was it that Shakespeare’s offspring were virtually illiterate? That seems to be so inconsistent if he were such a prolific writer with clear knowledge of so many subjects. There is so much wisdom and knowledge that is written into his works, so would a wise man not fully educate his children?
There has to be some doubt that the William Shakespeare of Stratford-on-Avon, of ordinary status, would have had the opportunity in those times to amass the range of knowledge, obtained either academically or word-of-mouth or travel, that is demonstrated in all of the supposed Shakespearean portfolios.
The reader of this text will doubtless be asking "Then why does Shakespear's name appear on these works?" and "Why would he agree to his name being used if it was not he that wrote them?" Petter finds answers to those questions.
Having done much research into many topics, including Francis Bacon and his knowledge of cypher systems, and having applied that knowledge to the decipherment of Shakespeare’s works, Petter produced his groundbreaking book The Seven Steps to Mercy, in 2006, although extended and not published in English until much later.
It has been made clear, however, that he received much opposition and ridicule during the process of his investigations, despite his willingness to patiently and quietly explain his thesis. The ridicule he received has now, surely, evaporated as the thesis has been more fully understood and supported elsewhere, as will be seen. The finding of Bacon's notebook (Promus, written in the 1590s) showing compositions later appearing in Shakespeare plays adds to the argument.
But the reader will now ask, "Why should I try to understand this thesis?" and "What point is there to be made in this thesis?".
The point, dear reader, is that Petter Amundsen has revealed a message - and a message that indicates (when followed through) a path of genuine salvation for mankind.
With the intention of these famous works being to convey a very important message apart from the value of its text, then who was the true writer becomes less important, Just as the message of Jesus is perhaps more important than his remembrance, except in thankfulness. In fact, some reflection will reveal that the Bacon/Shakespeare coded message - as well as the meaningful and more generally understood text of the works - links very much to the message of Jesus.
For a clear exposition into Petter's detective work, please see the four-part video production of Sweet Swan of Avon, and/or - for an update and a Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson style production - the three-part video production of Cracking The Shakespeare Code.
We will return to Petter Amundsen, but partly to support his detective labours, and to substantiate the extent of Bacon's knowledge and wisdom, we now examine the work of Peter Dawkins.
Peter Dawkins and his work
Peter Dawkins was born at Birmingham, England, in 1945, From childhood, he has always had an artistic and visionary gift, including the ability to see angels, etc. He was educated first at King Edward VI High School, Edgbaston, Birmingham (1959–1964). In October 1964 he went to St Catharine's College, Cambridge, to study architecture on a 3-year degree course (1964–67) followed by a post-graduate 2-year diploma course (1967–69). After Cambridge Dawkins entered architectural practice, first with A. G. Sheppard Fidler & Associates in their Birmingham office (1969–1972) and other organisations until 1978. A. G. Sheppard Fidler was the Birmingham City Architect for many years.
During this time Dawkins continued his landscape researches and wisdom studies, together with meditation and other spiritual practices. In addition, shortly after marrying in March 1973, Dawkins was given extraordinary instructions in a dream that threw him directly into research work concerning the philosopher Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians.
Then, in 1978, following a powerful inner calling given in meditation and vision, Dawkins left the practice of architecture to devote himself full-time to research and educational work in connection with the wisdom traditions, the landscape and environment generally, and the Baconian-Rosicrucian-Shakespeare mysteries.
By this time Dawkins had met Sir George Trevelyan (regarded by many as the founder of the New Age movement) who invited him to speak at Wrekin Trust events and encouraged him to make his landscape research and discoveries known publicly and introduced him to the poetry and wisdom of Shakespeare.
In this way, Dawkins started to become a lecturer and teacher. Dawkins researches and association with various important people led to to the founding of the Francis Bacon Research Trust (FBRT) in 1980.
Another modest man of enormous knowledge and insight, Dawkins has produced a variety of video presentations that enlarge on and fill in much of Petter's work. The most relevant videos on this topic are:
The Shakespeare Memorial's coded message has been covered by Petter Amundsen, but Dawkins goes further in describing the memorial.Various Bacon and Rosicrucians presentations by Dawkins.
There are also plentiful and insightful essays about Sir Francis Bacon on the FBRT site.
More support for Petter Amundsen is offered as follows:
Susan Roberts' series on Sir Francis Bacon as Shakespeare.Researcher Alan Green indicates that 'Shakespeare' knew a lot of science.
Petter Amundsen and his journey to the stars
We now come back to the thorny question of what happened to the original works of 'Shakespeare'. Indeed, we can also ask what happened to the physical findings of the Knights Templar following their excavations at Temple Mount, Jerusalem, assuming they did find certain objects or documents, of course.
As Petter Amundsen explains in his Sweet Swan of Avon video presentations (above), documents can be preserved when enveloped in Mercury, a proposition that in fact was proved by Francis Bacon. It is interesting, therefore, to know that during the course of the Lagina brothers' excavations that have been taking place at a location called Oak Island near Nova Scotia, quantities of mercury have been discovered. The substance should not be expected to be found there.
That a lead casket should be found at St. Albans containing the body of the Duke of Gloucester (1390-1447) immersed in mercury adds to the mystery. Nicknamed 'The Swan', that man's name was first used as the identity for the island that later became known as Oak Island.
People have been attracted to Oak Island to search for its supposed treasure for over 200 years, but although a huge amount of time and money has been spent in that endeavour (with, it should be said, a great deal of destruction), actual finds of significant treasure have not been achieved - except for certain finds of long ago that have gradually come to light since the Lagina brothers and their partners took over the main search operation in around 2005. Also, it would appear that an owner of some of the land 200 years ago appears to have become strangely rich in a short space of time.
Since becoming the subject of a well-followed TV series in about 2012, Oak Island has gradually divulged more pieces of value including a lead cross of Templar design that is probably 800 years old, various other artefacts and quite a number of pieces of jewellery and coins dating back as much as 500 years and more. On top of that, an expert has declared that the famed swamp that separates two ends of the island would seem to have been artificially created some 900 years ago. And there has clearly been much subterranean digging of shafts and tunnels at some point in time prior to 250 years ago, perhaps at different times.
It is to Oak Island that Petter Amundsen - amazingly - takes us in his Shakespearean decoding project. However, more amazingly still, he takes us there via Bootes, a constellation in the northern hemisphere containing one of the brightest stars in the night sky, Arcturus, onto the constellation of Cygnus (Swan) and the star Deneb and more, as revealed in the video series.
How would the Shakespearean works have got to Oak Island? Petter discovers this with (primarily) the aid of Shakespeare's work, The Tempest. Petter found that Prospero (in that play) indicates the island on which he is standing is aligned with a point in the night sky. From Petter's remarkable deduction that the alignment is with Deneb in Cygnus, and following the Hermetic tradition that says, "Whatever is above lies below", Oak Island is the location.
Francis Bacon himself was associated with early developments in the New World, but the actual deposition of the 'works' appear to have been carried out by a British mining engineer, Thomas Bushell. He was Bacon’s servant from 1608 until 1621, when Bacon was impeached on charges of corruption. When Bacon was convicted, Bushell disappeared for three years.
Using passages from Bushell’s 1659 book Abridgement as evidence, Petter Amundsen believes Bacon sent him on a special mission to the New World, possibly to oversee digging operations on Oak Island. After a three years’ absence, Bushell returned to England where he remained until Francis Bacon’s death in 1626, whereupon he left England again, ostensibly travelling to Oak Island in order to carry out Francis Bacon’s last request. Bushell eventually returned to England in 1628, where he made a name for himself as Britain’s foremost mining engineer. One of his specialities was the manipulation of water, which has been found to be much used on Oak Island to help prevent the finding of the deposits. In the way that they appear to have been hidden it could be that they were never intended to be found except by those who knew the key.
And what of the "Sweet Swan of Avon", which is how Ben Johnson described 'Shakespeare'. Petter has demonstrated that using cryptic translation and Greek letters the expression 'Sweet Swan of Avon' becomes 'New Temple of God'. In other words, the inference is that the treasure map that is contained in the bard's works leads to the 'New Temple of God'.
What are the 'proofs' of Petters work being correct? Many experts in relevant fields have scarcely given Petter the time of day, but at the end of video four of the Swan of Avon video series, Jola Sigmund, an expert on certain relevant matters in his own right, gives Petter the 'thumbs up'. And we also have the work of Peter Dawkins and others on the importance of Francis Bacon as being the true author of 'the works', even if he did not write it all himself but as head of a team.
Various mystical works found in Sufism, Isma'ilism, and the Sanathana Dharma (Eternal Teaching) of India, and in the Secret Doctrine by Helena Blavatsky, show commonality between the wisdom of those teachings with the works of the Rosicrucians, the body of which people such as Francis Bacon and even Ben Johnson must have been members. All these sources of wisdom have very ancient roots and are not tied to any specific religion.
In my view, it all points to Francis Bacon attempting to fashion a world that could build a golden age of wisdom, peace, prosperity and sustainability for all - if it wanted to. And that the Shakespearean works are an emanation of his work to accomplish that end.
It would appear that the world is crying out for such teaching - a teaching that is ancient and waiting for mankind to realise its significance.
And let us not also forget that the King James Bible of 1611 also reflects the work of Francis Bacon, with that book also having been shown to contain much esoteric coding that provides a different level of understanding to the ordinary text.
Thank you for reading this. I welcome any comments you may have.
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