
Showing posts from 2021

Reflections On The Passing Of Desmond Tutu

Dear Reader, The passing of Desmond Tutu is sad in its own way, but when I think of him I think of the smile and the sheer sense of honesty and courageous purpose that he portrayed. Those that knew him well have come forward and testified to what he did for South Africa in helping to bring the country out of apartheid and leading the population towards a sense of unity. His face and words were a galvanising force - but of peace, not anger. That he was a man of deep faith seems to be beyond question. One witness to his behaviour actually said that in all (even dangerous) situations, Desmond Tutu knew only one way forward - and that was through prayer. It has even been said that when driving a car he would often be deeply in prayer while at the driving wheel, even with his eyes closed! So, to those who would ask: "How can I be a Christian? How can I be a good man? How can I be the kind of man I want to be? How can I relate to my society and how can I carry out the way of life that I...

Tidings of Hope for 2022 and Beyond

Dear Reader, The technology of today is amazing, isn't it, compared to what I remember back in the 1950s when we were only just emerging into the world of TV and jet aircraft. Though computers were then being developed, ordinary people knew virtually nothing about them then and that was true of other technology such as lasers. The structure of DNA had still not been identified. In the UK, quite a number of people still lived in houses with outside toilets back then. Supermarkets only began to take hold in the late 1950s while comparatively few people could afford a motor car. Travelling abroad was a mere glimmer of hope in the eyes of most. Many people took pride in looking after their gardens and even growing their own vegetables. A fairly ordinary garden in the UK of ca. 1960 So, today, when many people concern themselves almost entirely with their I-pads and streaming videos, it might do no harm to reflect back on how everyday life has changed so dramatically in the last 60 or 7...

Science Without Spiritual Morality IS Dangerous!

Dear Reader, Albert Einstein said:  Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind. But did Einstein mean the kind of religion of simply going to church once a week? I very much doubt it, judging by his many statements about the philosophy of religion. For him, 'religion' meant something like a constant system of values: unchangeable and immutable.  A writer on Einstein has said, "What he understood by religion was something far more subtle than what is usually meant by the word in popular discussion." In fact, Einstein himself clarified what he meant: True religion is real living; living with all one's soul, with all one's goodness and righteousness. It is a great pity - nay, a disaster - that science has not taken his words seriously enough given the direction in which science is going in partnership with commercial and social developments, as will now be discussed. However, if Einstein had used the word 'dangerous' instead of ...

The Gospel of Relativity

Dear Reader, In this day and age I am sure that many people will be asking, "Just where is God when his help is needed?", in the midst of all the many challenges that surround us. But, of course, the solution does not reside "out there"; the solution is in our own hands, and in this way: We will find peace and harmony when, despite all appearances, treaties, and boundaries, the Spirit of Love permeates our hearts and until how we relate to each other becomes more important than the results of individual gain. -  Walter Starcke This quotation stems from the pen of a man steeped in spiritual reflection and work in the Unitarian church [ an essentially Christian church that rejects the idea of the Holy Trinity and original sin. Its teachings are a legacy from the time of original - pre-Roman - Christianity. Their spiritual philosophy is in accord with many other spiritual paths and wisdom teachings. ] Surely these words from  Walter Starcke  rather sum up the approach...

A Major Contributor To Aggression

Dear Reader, Well, the world's leaders (apart from two that govern the major landmass of the world, China and Russia!) came to the little old UK to discuss more seriously - at the 11th hour - the matter of Climate Change. One of the earlier outcomes was the 'success' agreement on the reduction of methane, one of the main pollutants of the atmosphere. The problem was, it was said, that China, Russia and India did not sign up to it. It is said (quoted from the Internet): China produces over 5.6 million metric tons of beef which also makes them the 4th largest producer in the world. China is the 4th largest producer and consumer of beef in the world. China is also the 5th largest beef importer in the world. Russia does not get anywhere near to that figure, but beef production would appear to be rising.  India, meanwhile, has become the biggest exporter of beef, yet until 1971 it produced a very small amount by comparison. That last fact about India is quite saddening in that t...

The 'Space' Out There Is More Than 'Space'!

Dear Reader, We increasingly hear about mega-rich people being launched into space, proclaiming its marvels. This, while countries are going bone dry, and  rising seas  are threatening to submerge Pacific  islands. People - and life of all forms - are suffering.  At least our royalty (Princes Charles and William) have lately spoken out about the wrong emphasis being given to space travel. Prince Charles has long championed the cause for sustainability here, on planet Earth, and his son is following suit. William Shatner (the latest to take a 'spin' up there), has now said that Prince William has got it all wrong - the intention of the space programme is to take industry away from Earth to leave our planet green, he says. So, in other words, the plan is to mess up all the other planets (and 'space') instead! This is very curious thinking! Apart from the fact that just getting launched into space creates a vast pollution imprint on and around the Earth. No, Mr. Shatner...

The Miracle

  Dear Reader, The Miracle. It is very difficult to say what started when. It has been virtually continuous. This life of mine has been an experience that no-one could have possibly predicted. I am sure many others can speak the same of their own lives, but I can only truthfully speak of my own life! After 10 years or more of writing this blog, it came to me to write a summary of what's gone on in my life! One of the miracles is the 'how' of my miraculous entry into the world of computers at its virtual birth, and the subsequent 40 years working in senior roles in IT, latterly as a technical author. Then how that led me into my retirement as a historian and  writer, and also as a voluntary  editor for certain (what I consider worthwhile) projects of my choice. These past few weeks I have enjoyed the challenge of editing a quite profound book on a major area of Hindu spiritual philosophy (truthfully called Sanatana Dharma), and now the project is nearing its completion, I...