Reflections On The Passing Of Desmond Tutu
Dear Reader, The passing of Desmond Tutu is sad in its own way, but when I think of him I think of the smile and the sheer sense of honesty and courageous purpose that he portrayed. Those that knew him well have come forward and testified to what he did for South Africa in helping to bring the country out of apartheid and leading the population towards a sense of unity. His face and words were a galvanising force - but of peace, not anger. That he was a man of deep faith seems to be beyond question. One witness to his behaviour actually said that in all (even dangerous) situations, Desmond Tutu knew only one way forward - and that was through prayer. It has even been said that when driving a car he would often be deeply in prayer while at the driving wheel, even with his eyes closed! So, to those who would ask: "How can I be a Christian? How can I be a good man? How can I be the kind of man I want to be? How can I relate to my society and how can I carry out the way of life that I...