Age of Aquarius? The Second Coming?
Dear Reader,
The shortest day of the year, December 21st, has just passed us by but much has also been made of the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn that was first visible that day. It is being said by some that this event ushers in the astrological Age of Aquarius. Further, because of how close the date of this year’s Great Conjunction is to Christmas day, many are comparing it to the Christmas Star that Catholics believe heralded the birth of Jesus.
I am writing about this Great Conjunction and Age of Aquarius, not because I am specifically interested in astrology, but because I do believe that everything in the universe is inter-connected, and if that is the case, why shouldn't movement of planetary bodies generate different types of energy that affect everything within our solar system?
It is only in the past few decades that people have become more fully aware of how the Earth's myriad of different species are inter-dependent, so to include planetary bodies in a system of inter-dependence and effect is surely not now too difficult a concept to accept. Certainly, the physical sciences have come to terms with such a concept but it is not generally acknowledged as such.
Indeed, we know full well of the Sun's effect on planet Earth in so many ways, as well as the Moon. Yet there is so much we still do not realise.
How I came to this way of thinking goes back more than 50 years. I had spiritual questions popping in to my head since I was a teenager, but even though I was aware of the Beatles flirtation with the Maharishi in the mid-60s (though George Harrison did become more deeply involved in the Krishna movement), their 'Indian Affair' rather passed me by, as did the Hippy Culture that came around in '67 or '68, even though I was only aged 23 or 24 at the time.
The thought of the idea of open love had its plus-points during an era when people wanted to evade the thought of open nuclear war that always seemed to be looming, but it did not last - in that form at least. Meanwhile, almost single-handedly in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the Broadway musical Hair brought the Aquarian Age concept into the popular culture. For me, however, it was only after having certain life experiences (shocks, even) that I began to look more widely at alternative thinking in the mid-70s, which took me on to looking at practical spirituality in some depth having rejected formal religion. Instead, I began to see the inner truth of all religions.
Assuming that we are entering the 'Age of Aquarius', what does it mean to us planetary dwellers who are all really spirits having a bodily experience? Well, we are surely experiencing the worst of days when we consider the increasing wars, terrorism, corruption, poverty, effects of climate change and pandemics since the start of the millennium in particular, so perhaps a new age will provide the means by which these issues can be tackled and solved.
Is that just a hopeful notion, or does it have some basis in reality?
There are certain very credible sources that say that the richest .001% of the world - who are probably the highest-ranked freemasons and called by some The Illuminati - are well aware of the transition into Aquarius and see its portents as an opportunity to begin a new era for themselves by the re-energising of their hidden control. This, they appear to assert, can be obtained through the use of technology, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence, which has already developed to what could be termed an alarming state in terms of its potential effect on mankind, under the guise of beneficence.
This opportunity that is conceived by The Illuminati is because Aquarius is said to be the most global sign of the zodiac – it is said to rule networks and communities based on a mutual vision. In the next 2000 years, there’s potentially no more place for top-down, hierarchical cultures or extreme political doctrines - but, if those certain people have their way, the out-of-the-box thinking that Aquarius is said to make more abundant may just create the right conditions for control by those people. Mankind could be turned into slavery if they have their way. By the automation of a greater and greater amount of processes, how will man care for himself? Indeed, how will man find happiness if he allows himself to be subdued by such events? Perhaps man has to learn to seek and assert his moral true self.
Those who have developed their spirituality to any reasonable depth will know that there have always been two forces at work on this planet (and, indeed, in all physical existence wherever it may be), and that there is more than a counter-force to any plans that any evil group may have. And that counter-force is spiritual love. This force for good, as I understand it, was particularly made possible with the advent of Jesus at the beginning of the previous Age - the Age of Pisces.
It is this Age of Aquarius, however, that appears to create the right conditions for a 'higher' wave of thought, and, indeed, it is said that this new wave will be led by a spiritual being that Christians believe will be manifested in the second coming of Jesus, that Muslims believe to be a being of a different name, and Hindus will recognise under yet another name. Buddhists (and probably others) also have a similar belief.
Incidentally, astrological 'Ages' appear to occur approximately every 2,150 years, though some believe they are of unequal duration. This number is based on 12 divisions of the total cycle of precession of the equinoxes that lasts a reasonably fixed 25,800 years. Today's astrologers do not seem to be entirely uniform in their thinking about this topic on the length of each Age, but each Age appears to have a specific potential.
From my point of view, having read of indications of the prophecy of events in the Great Pyramid, accounts of the readings of the Maya of South America, and other sources, I can accept the idea of there being a new astrological age being with us or nearly upon us. Further, the Hindus teach of us currently living in the worst of times and in which salvation can be obtained by spiritual practises that are minimal by comparison with aeons ago, when spirituality was more prevalent (in the Orient at least, while Europe was barbaric by comparison).
I also believe that this current period of suffering that virtually all are experiencing in some form will be alleviated - but only after mankind has come to understand some spiritual truths. However, the time of alleviation may begin in as little as 10 years from now - with the 'Second Coming', or its equivalent. Preparations for it are well underway, though we may not be aware.
In the meantime, despite all the developing difficulties, all mankind has work to do - particularly in preparing to realise who we really are. For the most auspicious outcome, the application of spiritual love (our true identity) has to become our central raison d'etre. The form of our work in this new Age should recognise that there are no easy ways to find the Truth except via a love of Truth and a willingness to expand our hearts to embrace 'what is'. Our Creator is always ready to listen to us if we are of a pure heart.
For many people, however, the current pandemic and economic struggle is the only present reality. The biggest challenge, though, will be in how we will face up to the outcome. Hopes of a return to 'normal' (materialism and our own desires) would appear to be vain, but - if our vision is corrected - a glowing (non-materialistic) future is to be expected. A future of peace.
As we enter this festive - yet lonesome - period, I hope and pray that we all use our isolation to positively meditate on the potential of the forthcoming Age, and act accordingly. Man cannot continue as he has been doing.
Be safe, yes. But most of all be alert; be awake. I wish you well.
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