As We Exit 2020, Do We Really Understand More Than The Ancients?
Dear Reader,
As a humble student of both history and spiritual philosophy, I am very conscious that as we exit 2020 (which coincides with the notion of 20-20 vision, which we have demonstrated to be severely lacking!) the world faces many very profound predicaments, particularly about health and sustainability. In addition, the UK enters into a new commercial world on exit from the EU. The USA faces the future without Trump.
For me, our future outcome very much depends on us all (not just 'them') looking deeply into ourselves and determining the wisdom that we have come very close to losing altogether. It is a wisdom that I discern is still present in farmers (who seem to know more than the weather forecasters with their powerful computers), and in ancient priesthoods and philosophers, of whom the Greeks were representative of the wisest - according to the West.
Plato referred to five geometrical shapes, saying that the Creator "practices eternal geometry", and believed that the first four shapes corresponded to the chief elements of which the ancients (and even existing philosophies) thought the material world was composed: fire, air, water and earth. The fifth, the dodecahedron, Plato said, corresponded to quintessence (or ether): the element of the heavens. Plato has been quoted as proceeding further on this:
The real Earth, viewed from above, resembles a ball made of twelve pieces [dodacahedron] of leather, variegated and marked out in twelve different colours.
According to New Scientist (October, 2003), the most amazing vindication of Plato came from quite recent surveys of the universe that indicated that the universe may indeed be a dodecahedron, whose reflecting pentagonal faces give the illusion of an infinite universe when in fact it is finite.
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The pentagon-based dodecahedron that Plato supposed frames the Earth |
But one of the most intriguing finds has caused the proposition that what Plato knew was known many, many years before him (he lived in the 5th c. BC). This was the find (click on image to enlarge):
This find clearly indicates that the knowledge of ancient man - whom we recently thought to be mere hunter-gatherers and unversed in learning - had very extensive knowledge. But we should not be too surprised as Stonehenge and many other so-called primitive stoneworks in Britain and Ireland were constructed many years before the carving of these five stones.
Back in about 1975 I came across a remarkable researcher and writer in ancient truths by the name of John Michell, whose books stunned me into realising that the great stoneworks (such as Stonehenge) required much more understanding than mere external observation as stones and that their function was far more advanced than was supposed by the majority at that time. Furthermore, he showed that those who constructed such sites had knowledge of geometry - sacred geometry - astronomy and mathematics that clearly exposed them as an ancient form of priesthood that revered everything in the universe as a whole. Spirituality and science were one.
Michell's books went on to describe how the knowledge linked them to the Great Pyramid at Giza, and I have since become aware of a great transmission and mutual understanding between the priesthoods of western Europe, Greece and the Middle East. In turn, Alexandria in Egypt was once a great meeting point for spirituality; a place where Buddhists from the east met with adepts of all priesthoods to discuss the topic of truth.
Michell even introduced to me the science of gematria - the science of substituting letters with numbers - that is found in the Greek and Hebrew scriptures, and how a whole series of those key numbers can be found used in the geometrical layout of Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid (etc), and even the Gothic cathedrals of the Middle Ages.
One of the best followers of the late John Michell's research has been Freddy Silva, who has brought to light how the dimensions of the Gothic cathedrals could be combined with Gregorian chanting to result in producing an extraordinary effect on the psyche that is probably not yet fully understood. Silva's research into the Knights Templar clearly indicates how the knowledge they obtained from their excavations at Temple Mount, and their close relationship with Magis, Sufis and Ismailis in the Middle East, was transformed into the design of the Gothic cathedrals.
In the West, objective thinking took over 300 years ago and now most people seem to think we are more advanced than the ancients ever were. Not so, it would seem, at least in terms of understanding man's place in the universe.
Ancient sacred places were built for practical sacred reasons, as the temples of India and elsewhere also demonstrate. In recent years, the late Dr. Masaru Emoto of Japan claimed that human consciousness could affect the molecular structure of water, and was able to prove that. His experiments showed how words we use - in whatever language - affect the structure of water, and where the most positive words were used how the structure became more beautiful. Other experiments show that water gains magnetic properties when filtered through certain rocks.
Does all this explain why ancient sacred sites are positioned so close to water? Does all this partly explain the secret of homoeopathy, which many deride but which I have used and know it to be valid.
It is well known by those who wished to find out that there were ancient flying machines that were built many thousands of years ago (called vimanas in India), and that advanced surgery and surgical tools were also in use in ancient India. All this in addition to the knowledge of mathematics, including geometry, which not long ago was credited to the Arabs and Pythagoras. Alas for western theory, Pythagoras's well-known theorem must have been known of aeons before Pythagoras.
As ecologists, even, the ancients have much to tell us about the management of natural resources, even when their need to manage was not as great as ours appears to be. They appear to have been such great conservationists purely because they understood there was a key relationship between man and his environment. They understood the need for balance.
The North American Indians are a stark example of that, and, what is more, they have ancient folk stories of their origins, some saying they came from the sea (the Pacific), from a place of tall towers. Anyone with knowledge of the supposed ancient but lost continent of Mu or Lemuria will feel there is something in folktales that is not nonsense.
Ancient sites exist all over the world, including a proliferation of pyramids that go well back into history and even pre-history. Alignments between sacred sites exist internationally, as in the following, which is only one example:
What I am writing here may be fairly basic reading for some readers, but the point of all this is to indicate that long ago there was knowledge - and its communication - that was both advanced and world-wide. Not only that but there are so many sacred sites that align to one another as though the ancients knew world geography!
In the past 2,000 years man has gone through a very dense period of understanding but pompously claims that his scientific and technological enterprise of the last 300 years has elevated him above previous civilisations. I would doubt that claim, mainly because man appears to be in danger of losing his connection with nature, and if that is lost then a sense of reality will have disappeared.
We seem to be clamouring to know what to do to survive - if even we were to admit that these are serious times - yet have virtually lost the means to achieve survival. We think 'they' ( or technology) will sort it.
Such is the extent of our euphoria that it was stated in the press very recently that the UK wastes 42% of the food we purchase. Yet we are not even the worst of European offenders! We are in a mere 10th place (of European countries). Meanwhile, many go hungry in the world.
If we do happen to believe that there is a Creator then surely there is hope, since science cannot, by itself, give hope. Science must be viewed as merely a tool and a tool to be used only by the wise, as it was long ago. However, the powers that are behind the pharmaceutical and high-technology companies probably believe in another reality (money?), or do not accept that the Creator is among us.
The main trouble is that too many expect God to come and sort out our problems, or question why God makes us face the issues at hand! But surely, as the scriptures claim, we were placed on Earth to act as vice-regents of God: to learn wisdom and how to apply it.
In certain spiritual traditions, it is said that God is closer to us than the jugular vein, or other words to that effect. It is surely up to us, then, to listen to the voice of such an imminent God - which is surely the conscience - and go against the tide of materialistic and wasteful thought that still persists, though its days are numbered.
In the beginning, God said, "Let there be light!", and there was Light.
Through forbearance and compassion in 2021, let us make that Light shine!
Thank you for reading this.
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