Ancient Truths? - Part 3 : From 10,000BC to 3,000BC
© 2020, John Lerwill
Dear Reader,
A dissimilar find, but still one that puzzles as it stands out in its uniqueness, is the Dolni Vestonice archaeological site in the modern Czech Republic which is said to be the oldest permanent human settlement found so far, spanning roughly 27,000 to 20,000 BC. It is reported that even a factory existed there as far back as that age, producing cordage, cordage byproducts, and textiles/basketry. Also, the early origin of ceramic technology at this site suggests that the local population were familiar with their surroundings and demonstrated an ability to manipulate and control their environment. This archaeological site was found in 1924, and is an immensely important find, but is little talked about in popular culture. In the context of the lost civilisations of Atlantis and Lemuria this is not a major find, but for those who do not accept the stories of much more ancient civilisations, Dolni Vestonice is highly significant.
Another consideration is that though there are so many languages spoken throughout the world, they are mostly known to have derived from one source, and within the last 15,000 years. It is clear that Sanskrit, Greek and Latin are closely connected but a connection between these languages and native languages as far away as the Americas is noted.
I am sure there is more to be found, given time, apart from those places that are lost to history through geological or other catastrophes, such as Atlantis.
What is astonishing, therefore, is the rapid appearance of new and advanced cultures from before 7,000BC, particularly in what is called 'The Fertile Crescent', stretching from Egypt and Palestine/Israel through what is now Iraq. But China, Persia and India also became part of the expansion of great civilisations, the latter two places particularly attracted great attention when western man first started to absorb their spiritual teachings. As to Sumer (Iraq) and that area in general, we will soon return.
The following, by J.D. Guigniaut in Religions de l’Antiquité (Paris 1825), was then a not uncommon reaction by those unfettered by dogma who had then only recently come upon the ancient teachings of India and Persia:
As discussed in my website article, there are hundreds of world-wide traditions of a Great Flood, and geological examination has not only verified a number of those traditions but shown them all to be stemming from about the same time: 7,640BC. Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas (in their book, 'Uriel's Machine') reveal that this Flood was triggered by the impact of a comet, but a comet that had broken up into seven parts - possibly as it entered the Earth's atmosphere - with those seven parts hitting the Earth in all the seas around the globe, causing massive tsunamis and a period of some time without the appearance of the Sun. Salt lakes and deserts in places as far apart as the Americas and Australia bear likely testimony to this catastrophe, following the draining away of the salty floodwaters.
The consequence of this impact was that a huge chunk of mankind and a huge number of lifeforms were annihilated. However, there were clusters of human survivors, but - amazingly - a new era of lifeforms appears to have been triggered during this period in the form of domesticated animals! Cats, dogs, cattle, sheep and goats, etc. And also the appearance of advanced agriculture. How - how?! - did all this regeneration suddenly occur? This is the miracle we shall now explore.
We now enter the time of recorded history concerning this era and the Middle East. Well, certainly if the ancient tablets of Sumer and Babylon are to be believed - and from which the Torah and Genesis of the Old Testament of the Bible appear to be derived. Not forgetting the once-respected Book of Enoch, which was respected in the early Christian church. And also the Epic of Gilgamesh.
However, the writers of the Torah and Genesis - at a much later period, being not very long before the Christian era - seem to not understand what the people of Sumer, Babylon and the Book of Enoch were saying (and possibly also had their own agenda), and wrote an account which varies on a number of points from the original. The Bible version is similar enough, however, to make one think that Genesis took those much earlier recording as its primary source. It would appear that the thinking of those early Jewish scribes severely influenced the thinking of western scholars even unto modern times, so that academia seems not to seriously accept the notion of beings existing other than modern man during that time.
As Christian O'Brien states: "In taking the path that they had, scholars had established concepts, as truths, that should never have been placed in the receptive minds of uncritical men."
In the Book of Genesis we are confronted with references to certain entities other than bulk-standard humans - whether they be Angels, Watchers, Nephilim, or mere giants - and for all people brought up when young on a diet of that part of the Bible (without proper instruction), it seems like pure mythology. It's the Sumerian/Babylonian and Enochian tales - helped by Gilgamesh - that provide more of a fluent perspective, but still one that is strange to the modern reader: except those readers of science fiction and watchers of Star Trek.
It was a NASA engineer by the name of Blaumrich - who had at first taken an agnostic position after he had read van Daniken's 1968 work, 'Chariots of the Gods' - that long ago woke me up to the possibility that, hidden in the archaic (and mistranslated) words of the Old Testament, there are descriptions of things that had latterly become part of our consciousness - in this case, UFOs. Blaumrich had actually been able to fathom out from the Book of Ezekiel that the prophet was trying - in his limited way of the time - to describe spaceships. From his findings, Blaumrich was even able to draw a picture of a spaceship described in Ezekiel.
Enter, then, into the world of serious modern writers described in my Part 1 post, such as Christian O'Brien ('The Shining Ones' ) and the partnership of Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas (and their book, 'Uriel's Machine'). They - but not only they - provide a perspective on the ancient history in pre-Christian times that is not only readable but (in my view) to be deeply respected. They discuss the source of Plato's "inventors [that] appeared" in the light of today's perception of possibilities and knowledge - not the probable religious thinking of long ago by the Biblical writers.
I have a reason not to agree with all the perspectives of the above modern writers (for example, O'Brien still held the conservative belief that the Great Pyramid had been built as late as 2,500BC, and that Atlantis did not disappear until much closer to Plato's time) - and their conclusions vary in detail from one another - but there is a general picture they draw that is common and is, to me, entirely plausible, based - as it is - on apparently genuine ancient sources. The key has been the apparently proper translation and interpretation of extremely old cuneiform tablets, and it has been asserted that the famed writer on this topic, Zecharia Sitchin, unknowingly made use of a flawed translation of those tablets to achieve his best-selling books. Alan F. Alford sympathetically followed up on Sitchin's books with assertions of his own, thereby apparently compounding an inadvertent error.
The ancient Sumerian tablets receive supporting evidence from Enoch's writings.
O'Brien deduced that a proper translation of 'Elohim' would be 'The Shining Ones'. For this purpose, 'The Shining Ones' is a hierarchy of spiritual beings consisting of Archons, Archangels and Angels. The names of the Archangels that were involved seem to include names that are readily recognisable to many (note the 'el' suffix, meaning 'of God'): Micha-el, Gabri-el, Uri-el, Rapha-el. But these are but a few. It is noteworthy that Islamic tradition says that the transmission of the Qur'an (meaning 'recite!') to Prophet Muhammed was achieved by Archangel Gabri-el.
O'Brien is of the view that, though from a spiritual source, this entire hierarchy is able to take a human appearance (though their stature appears to have been much greater than the average human) and did so for the purpose of the task at hand - which started (during this specific era) with the Garden in Eden, but have most likely intervened in man's evolution a number of times in the great distant past before 10,000BC.
According to O'Brien et al, 'The Shining Ones' were the "inventors [that] appeared", with each of the angelic host having a specific skill and responsibility. O'Brien quotes the patriarch Enoch as saying:
Thus, the origins of many mysteries in Britain and Ireland seem to be derived from those times. Indeed, to provide more 'meat to the bones' on this thought, Knight and Lomas (in 'Uriel's Machine') refer to the patriarch Enoch's account of his travels in the north of the world - presumably in some flying machine - and his visitation to Scandinavia, Britain and Ireland. This journey was asserted by the authors after they had made calculations based on Enoch's reported sightings, and a visit to the famed prehistoric Newgrange site (in Ireland) by Enoch seems to be confirmed by Enoch's tell-tale description of the site.
There is every reason to believe that 'The Shining Ones' played their part in other parts of the world, including the Americas, China, Persia and India (where they appear to be known as the 'devas'). Hence the great similarities found in the various cultures. There are also strong assertions made by some researchers that even in those far off times there were visitations by humans between those various countries: that they were not strangers to one another.
As a minor and comparatively recent example, visitations to America were made long before Columbus. Even the ancient Phoenicians seem to have left a trace in Canada. Not only the Vikings but the Welsh were there and also the Knights Templar, who appear to have made certain assessments leading to a (probably Church-motivated) grand plan for America that required its 'formal discovery' by Columbus to send that plan into motion. Columbus would appear to have had definite information about America before he set sail - it was not a chance discovery, though it would seem that the primitive navigation methods of the day did not cause him to land exactly where he wanted.
Ninkharsag (Ninlil) appears to have been a sort of 'chief scientist' in all forms of life, and it was determined that she would supervise - and act as a midwife in - the creation of a workforce to relieve the besieged angelic workers. She personally supervised what appeared to be equivalent to an IVF clinic, where 14 laboratory-created cultures of hybrid form (half lordling and half-human) were successfully brought to their birth through foster-mothers.
In this process of creating the cultures, O'Brien revealed the difficulty of translating from the cuneiform, which at first seemed to refer to 'clay' (as stated in the Bible) as the basis for creating Adam, until further insight into the text was applied. Here, however, 14 births are indicated (7 of each gender), of which one is assumed to have been the Adam of the Old Testament, and another was Eve. The Patriarchal Family that was their children's inheritance was - should this account of hybridisation be true - a special inheritance as a result of their DNA being influenced by an angelic lordling.
These children came to take on the role of those lower angels in their work at Kharsag (Eden). Alas, sometime after this event, the Watchers (members of benei ha-elohim) took matters into their own hands.
'The Shining Ones' also set up centres that developed into the city-States of pre-dynastic Sumer, and, probably, the Harappa Valley civilisation (north-west India).
In these places (and more), 'The Shining Ones' completed their self-imposed tasks of bringing measures of civilisation to the indigenous tribespeople before passing on to other areas, dispersing their immense learning (O'Brien states)...
'The Shining Ones' appear to have departed from this planet by around 3,000BC, or became hidden. Having been provided and trained with the methods and structure within which to attain peaceful co-existence, man was left to carry on - with very mixed results! However, he was not left entirely alone - which is why man had prophets and spiritual leaders to guide him. These, in turn, were guided by 'The Shining Ones' as instruments of the One God. Throughout man's time on Earth there have also been avatars, whose origin and function is of a higher nature.
O'Brien goes to great length to state the influence of 'The Shining Ones' in Greece and Egypt, referring to ancient 'gods' such as Zeus, Eros and Osiris as members of their pantheon, but seem to infer a context of the time beyond 10,000BC.
The reader will want to make up his/her own mind, but the above is only my synopsis. However, the reader may be happy to do a detailed study of O'Brien's 700-plus pages opus consisting of plentiful technical data related to geometry and astronomy, and the 400-plus pages of Knight and Lomas's book.
Thank you for visiting. I would be very glad to hear your point of view on any aspect! Please leave your comments.
Part 4 of this series will be about the history from ca. 3,000BC to 100AD.
Dear Reader,
Sequel to Part 2
In Part 2, I summarised pre-10,000BC history as much as possible, but I have left out some quite extraordinary mysteries, amongst which the story of findings in the Rumanian Bucegi mountains (link here and then click on the 'Secret of Secrets' tab at the top of the page) is perhaps the most remarkable.A dissimilar find, but still one that puzzles as it stands out in its uniqueness, is the Dolni Vestonice archaeological site in the modern Czech Republic which is said to be the oldest permanent human settlement found so far, spanning roughly 27,000 to 20,000 BC. It is reported that even a factory existed there as far back as that age, producing cordage, cordage byproducts, and textiles/basketry. Also, the early origin of ceramic technology at this site suggests that the local population were familiar with their surroundings and demonstrated an ability to manipulate and control their environment. This archaeological site was found in 1924, and is an immensely important find, but is little talked about in popular culture. In the context of the lost civilisations of Atlantis and Lemuria this is not a major find, but for those who do not accept the stories of much more ancient civilisations, Dolni Vestonice is highly significant.
Another consideration is that though there are so many languages spoken throughout the world, they are mostly known to have derived from one source, and within the last 15,000 years. It is clear that Sanskrit, Greek and Latin are closely connected but a connection between these languages and native languages as far away as the Americas is noted.
I am sure there is more to be found, given time, apart from those places that are lost to history through geological or other catastrophes, such as Atlantis.
A New Era - from 10,000BC
Man's Re-generation of Civilisation
The ending of the Ice Age and the destruction of Atlantis led mankind into a situation where many were having to start out from scratch again. Despite the colonisation by Atlantis of a number of different places, including Egypt and other satellites around the Mediterranean (as far west as what is now Spain - which sites show signs of having inherited at least some of the culture of Atlantis), great numbers of mankind were without knowledge on how to establish a way of life that had the potential for a beneficial evolution.What is astonishing, therefore, is the rapid appearance of new and advanced cultures from before 7,000BC, particularly in what is called 'The Fertile Crescent', stretching from Egypt and Palestine/Israel through what is now Iraq. But China, Persia and India also became part of the expansion of great civilisations, the latter two places particularly attracted great attention when western man first started to absorb their spiritual teachings. As to Sumer (Iraq) and that area in general, we will soon return.
The ancient Fertile Crescent (hatched area) |
We modern Europeans feel surprised when hearing talk of the Spirits of the Sun, Moon, etc. . . . But we repeat again . . . the natural good sense and the upright judgment of the ancient peoples, quite foreign to our entirely material ideas upon celestial mechanics and physical sciences . . . could not see in the stars and planets only that which we see, namely, simple masses of light, or opaque bodies moving in circuits in sidereal space, merely according to the laws of attraction or repulsion; but they saw in them living bodies, animated by spirits as they saw the same in every kingdom of nature. . . . This doctrine of spirits, so consistent and conformable to nature, from which it was derived, formed a grand and unique conception wherein the physical, the moral, and the political aspects were all blended together . . .So, according to deep research through extensive fieldwork and observation of the numerous salt lakes that exist today, it has become accepted that - from a little older than 7,000BC - there was suddenly a decisive shift in the raising of mankind. This mainly sprang into life following a further catastrophe: a Great Flood.
As discussed in my website article, there are hundreds of world-wide traditions of a Great Flood, and geological examination has not only verified a number of those traditions but shown them all to be stemming from about the same time: 7,640BC. Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas (in their book, 'Uriel's Machine') reveal that this Flood was triggered by the impact of a comet, but a comet that had broken up into seven parts - possibly as it entered the Earth's atmosphere - with those seven parts hitting the Earth in all the seas around the globe, causing massive tsunamis and a period of some time without the appearance of the Sun. Salt lakes and deserts in places as far apart as the Americas and Australia bear likely testimony to this catastrophe, following the draining away of the salty floodwaters.
The consequence of this impact was that a huge chunk of mankind and a huge number of lifeforms were annihilated. However, there were clusters of human survivors, but - amazingly - a new era of lifeforms appears to have been triggered during this period in the form of domesticated animals! Cats, dogs, cattle, sheep and goats, etc. And also the appearance of advanced agriculture. How - how?! - did all this regeneration suddenly occur? This is the miracle we shall now explore.
Fresh Research and Analysis
To re-engineer humanity's way of life, Plato (in The Laws) hints: "...inventors then appeared among them successively and discovered fire, wheat, wine; and public gratitude deified them.” But Plato does not reveal all. Or perhaps he did not know the full story.We now enter the time of recorded history concerning this era and the Middle East. Well, certainly if the ancient tablets of Sumer and Babylon are to be believed - and from which the Torah and Genesis of the Old Testament of the Bible appear to be derived. Not forgetting the once-respected Book of Enoch, which was respected in the early Christian church. And also the Epic of Gilgamesh.
However, the writers of the Torah and Genesis - at a much later period, being not very long before the Christian era - seem to not understand what the people of Sumer, Babylon and the Book of Enoch were saying (and possibly also had their own agenda), and wrote an account which varies on a number of points from the original. The Bible version is similar enough, however, to make one think that Genesis took those much earlier recording as its primary source. It would appear that the thinking of those early Jewish scribes severely influenced the thinking of western scholars even unto modern times, so that academia seems not to seriously accept the notion of beings existing other than modern man during that time.
As Christian O'Brien states: "In taking the path that they had, scholars had established concepts, as truths, that should never have been placed in the receptive minds of uncritical men."
In the Book of Genesis we are confronted with references to certain entities other than bulk-standard humans - whether they be Angels, Watchers, Nephilim, or mere giants - and for all people brought up when young on a diet of that part of the Bible (without proper instruction), it seems like pure mythology. It's the Sumerian/Babylonian and Enochian tales - helped by Gilgamesh - that provide more of a fluent perspective, but still one that is strange to the modern reader: except those readers of science fiction and watchers of Star Trek.
It was a NASA engineer by the name of Blaumrich - who had at first taken an agnostic position after he had read van Daniken's 1968 work, 'Chariots of the Gods' - that long ago woke me up to the possibility that, hidden in the archaic (and mistranslated) words of the Old Testament, there are descriptions of things that had latterly become part of our consciousness - in this case, UFOs. Blaumrich had actually been able to fathom out from the Book of Ezekiel that the prophet was trying - in his limited way of the time - to describe spaceships. From his findings, Blaumrich was even able to draw a picture of a spaceship described in Ezekiel.
Enter, then, into the world of serious modern writers described in my Part 1 post, such as Christian O'Brien ('The Shining Ones' ) and the partnership of Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas (and their book, 'Uriel's Machine'). They - but not only they - provide a perspective on the ancient history in pre-Christian times that is not only readable but (in my view) to be deeply respected. They discuss the source of Plato's "inventors [that] appeared" in the light of today's perception of possibilities and knowledge - not the probable religious thinking of long ago by the Biblical writers.
I have a reason not to agree with all the perspectives of the above modern writers (for example, O'Brien still held the conservative belief that the Great Pyramid had been built as late as 2,500BC, and that Atlantis did not disappear until much closer to Plato's time) - and their conclusions vary in detail from one another - but there is a general picture they draw that is common and is, to me, entirely plausible, based - as it is - on apparently genuine ancient sources. The key has been the apparently proper translation and interpretation of extremely old cuneiform tablets, and it has been asserted that the famed writer on this topic, Zecharia Sitchin, unknowingly made use of a flawed translation of those tablets to achieve his best-selling books. Alan F. Alford sympathetically followed up on Sitchin's books with assertions of his own, thereby apparently compounding an inadvertent error.
The ancient Sumerian tablets receive supporting evidence from Enoch's writings.
O'Brien finds that the Hebrew term 'angel' derives from the Sumerian 'en-ge-li'
The 'Inventors That Appeared'
As discussed in earlier rambles, the Book of Genesis is these days often mistakenly translated into English to represent Elohim and Jehovah as, simply, 'God'. In the case of 'Elohim', it is a plural term anyhow. Fortunately, O'Brien - as a result of freshly translating ancient tablets - was able to get to the identity of the Elohim, who are key to all the ancient developments of the traditional 'Holy Land', and, indeed, the Middle East, followed by other major places around the Globe from the time they appear to have arrived at Mount Harmon in Lebanon ca.8,300 to 8,100BC.O'Brien deduced that a proper translation of 'Elohim' would be 'The Shining Ones'. For this purpose, 'The Shining Ones' is a hierarchy of spiritual beings consisting of Archons, Archangels and Angels. The names of the Archangels that were involved seem to include names that are readily recognisable to many (note the 'el' suffix, meaning 'of God'): Micha-el, Gabri-el, Uri-el, Rapha-el. But these are but a few. It is noteworthy that Islamic tradition says that the transmission of the Qur'an (meaning 'recite!') to Prophet Muhammed was achieved by Archangel Gabri-el.
O'Brien is of the view that, though from a spiritual source, this entire hierarchy is able to take a human appearance (though their stature appears to have been much greater than the average human) and did so for the purpose of the task at hand - which started (during this specific era) with the Garden in Eden, but have most likely intervened in man's evolution a number of times in the great distant past before 10,000BC.
According to O'Brien et al, 'The Shining Ones' were the "inventors [that] appeared", with each of the angelic host having a specific skill and responsibility. O'Brien quotes the patriarch Enoch as saying:
... the men brought me to the sixth h[e]aven, and there I saw seven groups of Angels, very bright and wonderful, with their faces shining brighter than the Sun. They were brilliant, and all dressed alike and looked alike.
Some of these Angels study the movements of the Stars, the Sun and the Moon, and record the peaceful order of the World. Other Angels, there, undertake teaching and give instruction in clear and melodious voices. These are Archangels who are promoted over the ordinary Angels. They are responsible for recording (and studying) the fauna and the flora in both the Highlands and the Lowlands.
There are Angels who record the seasons and the years; others who study the rivers and the seas; others who study the fruits of the Lowlands, and the plants and herbs which give nourishment to men and beasts.It would appear that perhaps the first project 'The Shining Ones' worked on was the development of the town of Jericho, but that another project soon gained their full attention. That project, the Garden in Eden, contained a locality named Kharsag that contained the garden, complete with a Tree of Knowledge, according to O'Brien, who continues:
... Kharsag [lay] just to the northeast of Mount Hermon in the Lebanon, in the second half of the Seventh Millennium B.C. The purpose of the astronomical work appears to have been that of setting up a time-scale on which agricultural activities could be reliably based.
Four thousand years later, that early work at Kharsag (suitably refined) was used to construct the astronomical complex on Bodmin Moor [Cornwall, UK]*. The seemingly itinerant wanderings of the Shining Ones were followed down into the plains of Mesopotamia [modern Iraq] where, it was postulated, they founded the City-States of Sumer; and were traced back through Greece, Scandinavia and Scotland to Ireland. ...
In Sumer, these Sages were known as the dingir an a-nan-na-ge - the Shining, Great Sons of Anu'(l). In later Babylonian times, they were deified in their absence and absorbed into a Middle Eastern pantheon in which their true characteristics were lost. In Greece, they were to be remembered as the 'Gods of Olympus'; and in Scandinavia, they were the 'Gods of Asgaard and Valhalla'.
But it was in Ireland that they came closest to integrating with the lives of the ordinary people around them. There, they were known as the Tuatha De (D)anaan; an expression that can also be translated as the 'People of Anu'; and any Irishman, steeped in the rich mythology of the Hibernian countryside, will pronounce that the abundant mounds of his native land were built by the Tuatha De Danaan.
* O'Brien provides a detailed account of his researches into the Bodmin sites in his book. He also identified considerable evidence at the site of Kharsag (Eden) to support the ancient cuneiform description of the site and what was undertaken there.
A map of Kharsag (the Garden in Eden) with buildings and topography as uncovered by O'Neill |
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Newgrange, Ireland - Enoch described the distinctive external wall |
As a minor and comparatively recent example, visitations to America were made long before Columbus. Even the ancient Phoenicians seem to have left a trace in Canada. Not only the Vikings but the Welsh were there and also the Knights Templar, who appear to have made certain assessments leading to a (probably Church-motivated) grand plan for America that required its 'formal discovery' by Columbus to send that plan into motion. Columbus would appear to have had definite information about America before he set sail - it was not a chance discovery, though it would seem that the primitive navigation methods of the day did not cause him to land exactly where he wanted.
The Big Story, Before The Flood
The appearance of 'The Shining Ones' around 8,100BC appears to have been connected with the transmission of significant additional practical knowledge to humanity, to revive humanity and to help in humanity's upward evolution - which is what the 'Grand Plan' was (and is) all about.
As to how the plan for Eden was arrived at is sympathetically relayed in O'Brien's translation from the tablets, revealing that the true architect was female (Ninlil, later named Ninkharsag). O'Brien provides a delightful re-telling of the conference at which she persuaded the other delegates to favour her proposal. The manner in which the conference was conducted is quite illuminating and befitting to higher beings.
O'Brien talks of 'The Watchers', who are referred to in the Old Testament:
As to how the plan for Eden was arrived at is sympathetically relayed in O'Brien's translation from the tablets, revealing that the true architect was female (Ninlil, later named Ninkharsag). O'Brien provides a delightful re-telling of the conference at which she persuaded the other delegates to favour her proposal. The manner in which the conference was conducted is quite illuminating and befitting to higher beings.
O'Brien talks of 'The Watchers', who are referred to in the Old Testament:
The main Book of Enoch contains an autobiographical account of the life of Enoch among the Elohim - the Shining Ones- in the area known as Eden which, as has already been suggested, can be identified from the text as the northwest corner of the Fertile Crescent, centred on Mount Hermon on the conjunctive borders of modern Lebanon, Syria and Israel.
Enoch had much to do with the Watchers, a large group of craftsmen-teachers [200 it would seem] who arrived in Eden [possibly around 7,570BC] as reinforcements for the third order of the Shining Ones. ...
The majority of the Watchers were despatched to the Lowlands of the Rift Valley to teach the expanding [nearby] Hebrew families the arts of reading and writing, and a wide spread of crafts and agricultural practices.It should be noted here that a Sumerian epic states that when 'The Shining Ones' arrived, the local tribes-people were still in a very primitive state. They were described as:
(i) living in caves - deduced from their entry into impermanent dwellings on all fours; (ii) being unfamiliar with clothes; they must have relied for protection on skins; (iii) eating grass (vegetation and herbs) and drinking ditch-water, and having no knowledge of agriculture.As O'Brien reveals, the considerable work of 'The Shining Ones' was not without its setbacks. Some setbacks were almost human-like but another was a lot more significant. Somewhile after setting in motion the development of an ambitious project - the 'Garden in Eden' - a body of 'worker' angels, who had been tasked with the heavy work, began to complain that their task was too great. The result of the complaint to 'head office', and after an extreme demonstration, was that the female Ninkharsag was again called into action. What happened next reveals the degree of science that 'The Shining Ones' possess, and demonstrated it as recorded in cuneiform so long ago.
Ninkharsag (Ninlil) appears to have been a sort of 'chief scientist' in all forms of life, and it was determined that she would supervise - and act as a midwife in - the creation of a workforce to relieve the besieged angelic workers. She personally supervised what appeared to be equivalent to an IVF clinic, where 14 laboratory-created cultures of hybrid form (half lordling and half-human) were successfully brought to their birth through foster-mothers.
In this process of creating the cultures, O'Brien revealed the difficulty of translating from the cuneiform, which at first seemed to refer to 'clay' (as stated in the Bible) as the basis for creating Adam, until further insight into the text was applied. Here, however, 14 births are indicated (7 of each gender), of which one is assumed to have been the Adam of the Old Testament, and another was Eve. The Patriarchal Family that was their children's inheritance was - should this account of hybridisation be true - a special inheritance as a result of their DNA being influenced by an angelic lordling.
These children came to take on the role of those lower angels in their work at Kharsag (Eden). Alas, sometime after this event, the Watchers (members of benei ha-elohim) took matters into their own hands.
Gen 6:1 And it was, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, 6:2 that the benei ha-elohim (lit. “sons of God”) saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took wives from whomever they chose. 6:3 And God said: ‘My spirit shall not abide in man forever, for that he also is flesh; and his days be a hundred and twenty years.’ 6:4 The nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also after that, when the benei ha’elohim came to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; these were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown.As Enoch reported:
Then Micha-el, Uri-el, Rapha-el and Gabri-el, in Eden, received reports of much bloodshed and lawlessness taking place in the Lowlands. They said among themselves: 'Their crying reaches up to the gates of Eden'. And to the Council, they said. 'Now Men are pleading with you, the Council of the Archangels, to bring these complaints before the Most High.'The matter was referred upwards and a decision made, though a comet is not mentioned here as the instigator of the Flood. Enoch continues:
The Most High issued instructions that first Uri-el (Enki) should go to Noah, the son of Lamech: Tell him from me, 'Hide yourself', and inform him of what is to happen; that all the Lowlands will be destroyed in a Flood which will wipe out everything on it. And give him instructions on how he may escape so that his descendants may be preserved for all time.The Watchers themselves seem to have received their own brand of punishment, but the Flood came as a punishment not only to the Watchers' erroneous offspring, the Nephilim, but to all mankind except at least one chosen family and those others that somehow survived. The Flood that arrived apparently affected the whole world as it seems to have been coincidental with the year 7,640BC - the date now scientifically accepted as the date of the worldwide Great Flood. As tribal Flood stories are often similar throughout the world, one wonders whether certain wise humans in other places of the world were similarly warned.
The Aftermath Of The Flood
'The Shining Ones', having already developed the city of Jericho and evolved the Garden in Eden, appear to have created the remarkable city of Catal Huyuk in Turkey, which dates from around 6,500BC, and to Ba'albeck, where 'The Shining Ones' are again mentioned in ancient tablets.'The Shining Ones' also set up centres that developed into the city-States of pre-dynastic Sumer, and, probably, the Harappa Valley civilisation (north-west India).
In these places (and more), 'The Shining Ones' completed their self-imposed tasks of bringing measures of civilisation to the indigenous tribespeople before passing on to other areas, dispersing their immense learning (O'Brien states)... many parts of the known world - to Western Europe, including Scandinavia, Britain, Ireland and France; to Southern Europe including Italy, Crete and Cyprus; and to Greece and Egypt [a second occasion to each?], Persia, India and China. But only in Egypt, Persia, India [including ancient Tibet] and China is there evidence of spiritual development, and awareness of eschatological problems before the third millennium BC [though Greece, through Socrates and Pythagoras, had their form of spiritual teaching].I would suggest that the Americas are missing from this list. The Maya, in particular, have shown considerable and equivalent learning that must have come from 'The Shining Ones'.
'The Shining Ones' appear to have departed from this planet by around 3,000BC, or became hidden. Having been provided and trained with the methods and structure within which to attain peaceful co-existence, man was left to carry on - with very mixed results! However, he was not left entirely alone - which is why man had prophets and spiritual leaders to guide him. These, in turn, were guided by 'The Shining Ones' as instruments of the One God. Throughout man's time on Earth there have also been avatars, whose origin and function is of a higher nature.
O'Brien goes to great length to state the influence of 'The Shining Ones' in Greece and Egypt, referring to ancient 'gods' such as Zeus, Eros and Osiris as members of their pantheon, but seem to infer a context of the time beyond 10,000BC.
The reader will want to make up his/her own mind, but the above is only my synopsis. However, the reader may be happy to do a detailed study of O'Brien's 700-plus pages opus consisting of plentiful technical data related to geometry and astronomy, and the 400-plus pages of Knight and Lomas's book.
Thank you for visiting. I would be very glad to hear your point of view on any aspect! Please leave your comments.
Part 4 of this series will be about the history from ca. 3,000BC to 100AD.
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