Ancient Truths? - Part 2 : Pre-10,000 BC
© 2020, John Lerwill
Dear Reader,
According to Carl Sagan (a well-feted scientist and writer):
We are currently in a Kali Yuga, which would appear to have started on 20th December, 3102 BC, and which was the day when the Krishna avatar is said to have relinquished his mortal coil.
To give an example, in Genesis 6:2 a more true translation is:
Thus, when we are told in school that man developed from the caves and used stone utensils, we are only learning (as Churchward suggests) about man starting out again from basics following the destruction of what had been a great civilisation based on the highest ethics. A civilisation, however, that had ultimately run its course and had fallen in its morals. As is the case today, an advanced form of science got to be misused - beings allowed its development to be out of harmony with the natural laws of the universe.
The time ending in the final destruction of Atlantis is also thought to have been a time when the Earth had a different atmosphere, being heavier than today's atmosphere.
Before its destruction, Atlantis, in its turn, populated other areas of the world, and at least one ancient writer pinpoints Egypt as being a colony of Atlantis 13,000 years before the final demise of Atlantis. It is also said that the Great Pyramid was built during that time and not as recently as 5,000 years ago, which conventional Egyptologists state to be the case. This very conservative view is one that is barely credible, particularly in view of the level of science and technology that enabled the construction of the Great Pyramid, and which does not seem to have been available at the time that the Egyptologists state.
The great 'god' named Thoth is believed to have been one of those significantly involved in its design and construction, and when, it is said, great slabs of stone were elevated and moved by the use of sound - not by the use of countless slaves as Hollywood suggests! I rather suspect the knowledge of how to use sound was still available at the time of the construction of Stonehenge. So, too, there was a highly advanced technology to cut large stone pieces to fit so exactly, not just at these ancient places but others too that show evidence of high technology - including the Longyou Caves in China, discovered in 1992, and buildings in South America. Our spirituality has lessened in this day and age, so such concepts cannot be as easily grasped and utilised.
Another talking point is the Sphinx of Egypt, which clearly shows erosion through rain, though the Giza area was only 'green' in the era preceding and following the rising of the Age of Leo (10,750BC), which corresponds, of course, with the leonine form of the Sphinx. The Age of Leo was also found to have been highlighted on the ceiling of an Egyptian temple.
Dear Reader,
An investigation into the time before 10,000 BC is unlikely to uncover much by way of archaeological proof of man on Earth, so, apparently, we are left to rely almost purely on scripture and modern science to give us a sense of what was. However, Biblical scripture has taken a 'bashing' in the past 200 years - mainly through the then evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin. Thankfully, there is evidence to show that the Bible can be understood differently if not taken in a literal manner, and particularly those versions of the Bible that have been translated into modern languages.
Further, the 19th c. publications by Helena Blavatsky and other members of the Theosophical Society gave rise to an alternative way of thinking about man's origins - and future.
And we also have what is contained in the Vedas - the Hindu scriptures that are more than scriptures: they combine both this world and 'other' world data, as was the practice in all ancient teachings, and even in Islam. Western thought, however, is now (but only since 400 years ago) effectively based on modern science, with scripture being left as a separate topic. Understandably so, too, as the Bible we have inherited contains precious little of what was once taught as knowledge. But the 'why' of that matter is another story.
Cosmic Science, and Time
Modern science tells us that the world is billions of years old. The science of the ancient Hindu scriptures - stated aeons before modern science - does not disagree, and tells us that time is made up of periods known as yugas, which are repeated over and again until the end of time.
According to Carl Sagan (a well-feted scientist and writer):
The Hindu religion is the only one of the world's great faiths dedicated to the idea that the Cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed an infinite, number of deaths and rebirths. It is the only religion in which time scales correspond to those of modern scientific cosmology. Its cycles run from our ordinary day and night to a day and night of Brahma, 8.64 billion years long, longer than the age of the Earth or the Sun and about half the time since the Big Bang.Traditionally, the length of time in each period (of four yugas) is taken as (in human years):
- Satya Yuga equals 1,728,000 years
- Treta Yuga equals 1,296,000 years
- Dvapara Yuga equals 864,000 years
- Kali Yuga equals 432,000 years
We are currently in a Kali Yuga, which would appear to have started on 20th December, 3102 BC, and which was the day when the Krishna avatar is said to have relinquished his mortal coil.
Each yuga progressively diminishes in spiritual clarity, hence the Kali Yuga (which we are in) is the densest period as to spiritual understanding. However, there are fewer ritual expectations in the Kali Yuga - sincere remembrance of God is the main thing.
The Hindu concept of time is clearly immense and gives scope to a vast history - and future - that we can hardly contemplate. And if we are to accept this time frame as valid, then a current perception that the Earth is about to end is false. We may be entering a time of very considerable change, but this - as the following story states - has happened time and again before in ancient history.
The Hindu concept of time is clearly immense and gives scope to a vast history - and future - that we can hardly contemplate. And if we are to accept this time frame as valid, then a current perception that the Earth is about to end is false. We may be entering a time of very considerable change, but this - as the following story states - has happened time and again before in ancient history.
Particularly since Darwin published his 'Origin Of The Species', a death-knell began to toll for the Bible as a believable source of history. Ever since then scientific 'experts' have tried to throw scorn over it and, thereby, ordinary folk - unless they are of strong religious faith - have taken the lead of those who have scientifically claimed to know better.
However, there have been those in the science world who have not been so eager to throw the Bible aside, even though they may not be 'believers'. In the 1990s, one such team looked closely at the Old Testament and the story of Moses in the wake of scepticism as no archaeology had been found to support the presence of the Hebrews - and Moses - in Egypt in the time period that seemed to be relevant.
Lo and behold, it was found that the Egyptian list of kings had hitherto been read wrongly in the attempt to prove the Biblical stories, and a re-adjustment of scientific sight then suddenly started to make surprising finds. The Old Testament - as history in this matter - was then proved to be correct after all, and that the time of Moses was put back a further 100 years or more prior to what had been thought. Moses is now safe!
In the case of the assertions by Genesis as to the story of creation, a different - and more surprising - line of thinking can be ascertained. Even science cannot dispute the opening statement of Genesis concerning what happened "In the beginning...": the problem really starts with the scriptural assertion that God created man before other living creatures. At least, it is a problem if you prefer to believe Darwin, since he asserts that man is descended from ape, and a lot of science is completely taken up with that.
Part of this problem - and I believe it is such - lies in the mixed descriptions in Genesis of who God is, and it is a trap that modern translators seem to have fallen into in that where the word Elohim is used it seems to be assumed that it refers simply to "God", and "God" is thus frequently inserted in place of Elohim. This is an issue that critics have come up with before - I am certainly not the first to say that - the particular difficulty being that the word Elohim is plural!
When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of [the] God[s] (bene Elohim) saw that the daughters of man were attractive. ...
In the 1980s, along came a matured and enthusiastic seeker of truth by the name of Christian O'Brien. He published a very detailed book of well over 700 pages - a book that is entitled 'The Shining Ones' - and in that book, he assiduously shows his considerable scholarly achievement in his re-decipherment of Sumerian tablet texts that led him to perceive that Elohim were nothing more than an angelic host that man came to call 'gods'. Not one Almighty God, but (what men referred to as) gods.
Having made that statement about O'Brien, I will leave the further discussion about his findings (and other matters about Adam and Eve etc) to my next chapter, as his time-frame deals with happenings since 10,000BC.
I said that the Elohim matter was part of the problem. A second part of the problem is that Moses, who may have been the author or senior participant in the writing of the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testament), appears to have had these books written in an allegorical form as part of his transmission of the Kabbalah - the inner teaching of the Hebrews. On one hand, Moses delivered the Ten Commandments to the general public, and on the other hand, he delivered the Kabbalah to those of a higher understanding.
Now, in the 'greater' teaching (of the Kabbalah) it brings to light that there was not simply one Adam (and his Eve), but that the original Adam was Adam Kadmon, who was (if you like) the original blueprint of man, and 'the man' who did precede all other living creatures. Man, it is inferred, was the reason for 'Project Earth', but perhaps it took a very lengthy period of experimentation to decide on the physical form that man would take.
Biblical, and a number of other sources, state quite clearly that the earliest man was not only androgynous but that, in a very ancient period, was even etheric (vid. Kabbalah, Blavatsky, Churchward et al). Therefore, such early men would have left no visible trace on Earth of their presence! Clearly, Darwin did not cotton on to that possibility: esoteric expression in the Bible did its job - it was to deter the wrong people from finding the truth and using it in a superficial way. That principle has been used in many (ancient and recent) writings on Truth.
Now, in the 'greater' teaching (of the Kabbalah) it brings to light that there was not simply one Adam (and his Eve), but that the original Adam was Adam Kadmon, who was (if you like) the original blueprint of man, and 'the man' who did precede all other living creatures. Man, it is inferred, was the reason for 'Project Earth', but perhaps it took a very lengthy period of experimentation to decide on the physical form that man would take.
Biblical, and a number of other sources, state quite clearly that the earliest man was not only androgynous but that, in a very ancient period, was even etheric (vid. Kabbalah, Blavatsky, Churchward et al). Therefore, such early men would have left no visible trace on Earth of their presence! Clearly, Darwin did not cotton on to that possibility: esoteric expression in the Bible did its job - it was to deter the wrong people from finding the truth and using it in a superficial way. That principle has been used in many (ancient and recent) writings on Truth.
Thus, the Genesis scripture - alluding to Adam (of the Garden of Eden), as being the first created man of Almighty God - is entirely allegorical. Adam of the Garden of Eden was someone else, and we shall come onto his story (according to O'Brien) in the next chapter. It is clear in statements in Genesis that other men existed at the time of this Adam, so he clearly was not the first man of all.
But there has been another factor in all human evolution, and that is - as a result of skeletal findings - the apparently sudden 'quickening' of man's development. One such appears to have been about 200,000 years ago and one more recent was the discovery of Cro-Magnon man in the mid-19th c. (today scientifically called Early Modern Humans). That development was about 40,000 years ago. The apparent appearance of modern man occurred at around 10,000 BC.
The question, clearly, is just how did this 'quickening' of development suddenly take place. This is where I need to be particularly careful with words as popular culture would certainly think of pointing to 'aliens' as interfering with man's progress. However, though I would not argue with the general point that is made there, the actual meaning of 'aliens' needs to be defined in this context. The reality, as I see it, is that the universe holds much that we cannot dream of, including beings far in advance of us - but whatever it is 'out there' that exists does so under the panoply of the Almighty Creator. Whatever participation 'they' have had in man's development ultimately comes under the stamp of "Made by [the only] God, the Father of All".
That contact has occurred with beings from 'out there' seems to be clear also from strange and ancient rock and cave paintings of beings in various places, and also the knowledge that apparently uneducated peoples have in various parts of the world. A good example of such knowledge is that which is known by the Dogon people of Mali in Africa. Some 50 years ago they were found to have intimate knowledge of the Sirius star complex - knowledge that is impossible to have just through observation with the naked eye.
Christian O'Brien will tell us a little more of comparatively recent 'visitations' in the next chapter, based on his rigorous study.
But there has been another factor in all human evolution, and that is - as a result of skeletal findings - the apparently sudden 'quickening' of man's development. One such appears to have been about 200,000 years ago and one more recent was the discovery of Cro-Magnon man in the mid-19th c. (today scientifically called Early Modern Humans). That development was about 40,000 years ago. The apparent appearance of modern man occurred at around 10,000 BC.
The question, clearly, is just how did this 'quickening' of development suddenly take place. This is where I need to be particularly careful with words as popular culture would certainly think of pointing to 'aliens' as interfering with man's progress. However, though I would not argue with the general point that is made there, the actual meaning of 'aliens' needs to be defined in this context. The reality, as I see it, is that the universe holds much that we cannot dream of, including beings far in advance of us - but whatever it is 'out there' that exists does so under the panoply of the Almighty Creator. Whatever participation 'they' have had in man's development ultimately comes under the stamp of "Made by [the only] God, the Father of All".
That contact has occurred with beings from 'out there' seems to be clear also from strange and ancient rock and cave paintings of beings in various places, and also the knowledge that apparently uneducated peoples have in various parts of the world. A good example of such knowledge is that which is known by the Dogon people of Mali in Africa. Some 50 years ago they were found to have intimate knowledge of the Sirius star complex - knowledge that is impossible to have just through observation with the naked eye.
Christian O'Brien will tell us a little more of comparatively recent 'visitations' in the next chapter, based on his rigorous study.
Pre-10,000BC Civilisations
The story of early civilisations on Earth has been told by both Blavatsky and Churchward, in similar yet different ways, and confirmed by the psychic Edgar Cayce. Cayce was a most ordinary person in his day-to-day life but, when in a trance, he brought out the most astonishing details about history and medicine, nearly all of which either proved to be correct or are thought to be correct.
Obtained from quite different sources, the stories of Blavatsky and Churchward are similar in the sense that they both refer to Atlantis and also an earlier civilisation than Atlantis. For the earlier civilisation, Churchward refers to 'Mu' in the Pacific Ocean while Blavatsky refers to 'Lemuria', situated more south of India but elongated to the west of that, in a time when the continents were still changing their shape. I rather suspect that Churchward's picture of 'Mu' is a later stage of the evolution of Lemuria, but who can say. It is significant, however, that the Tamils of India refer to a very ancient civilisation that existed south of their sub-continent, and which they often refer to as Lemuria, though that name may be known through their study of Blavatsky's Theosophy, which was taken to India by Blavatsky's successor, Annie Besant.
Another aspect where the two authors differ is in respect of timescales, with Blavatsky placing the beginnings of Lemuria much further back in primordial history. But both writers are talking of at least hundreds of thousands of years in the life of that entity. They agree more closely when they come to talk about Atlantis, formerly situated in the Atlantic Ocean - not in other localities around the Mediterranean as has been more recently suggested.
They agree that Atlantis came about a long time into the life of Lemuria/Mu and that it finally disappeared in around 9,300BC. Whilst both continents existed, the peoples of the two ancient lands are said to have co-operated until the demise of Lemuria/Mu much earlier in time.
They agree that Atlantis came about a long time into the life of Lemuria/Mu and that it finally disappeared in around 9,300BC. Whilst both continents existed, the peoples of the two ancient lands are said to have co-operated until the demise of Lemuria/Mu much earlier in time.
Thus, the survivors of Lemuria/Mu seem to have populated other lands, even as far as the Americas and Japan, whose rising sun symbol hails back to that ancient age, it is said. And that survivors of Atlantis reached mainland Europe and South America, where, it would seem, they already had satellite colonies.
Plato, in his 'Timaeus and Critias', describes what he understood to have been Atlantis, but the suspicion is that his description refers to Poseidon, which was the last vestige of a steadily reducing Atlantis.
A perception of the capital city of Atlantis according to Plato but which is probably a description of the city of Poseidon, a remnant of Atlantis |
The great 'god' named Thoth is believed to have been one of those significantly involved in its design and construction, and when, it is said, great slabs of stone were elevated and moved by the use of sound - not by the use of countless slaves as Hollywood suggests! I rather suspect the knowledge of how to use sound was still available at the time of the construction of Stonehenge. So, too, there was a highly advanced technology to cut large stone pieces to fit so exactly, not just at these ancient places but others too that show evidence of high technology - including the Longyou Caves in China, discovered in 1992, and buildings in South America. Our spirituality has lessened in this day and age, so such concepts cannot be as easily grasped and utilised.
Another talking point is the Sphinx of Egypt, which clearly shows erosion through rain, though the Giza area was only 'green' in the era preceding and following the rising of the Age of Leo (10,750BC), which corresponds, of course, with the leonine form of the Sphinx. The Age of Leo was also found to have been highlighted on the ceiling of an Egyptian temple.
It is inconceivable to my mind that man only suddenly started to develop into a very sentient being 12,000 years ago. At Gobekli Tepe (in today's Turkey) and at Jericho and other places, the remains of very substantial and well-equipped buildings have been found that date back to 9,000BC and beyond. Their construction is sophisticated and could not have been built by people that had only recently emerged from caves.
Throughout the world, the remains of pyramids have been found from a very ancient time, and, in addition to the finding of pictographs that are similar in very diverse places, this seems to clearly prove that there was at least a substantial cross-fertilisation of ideas a considerable time back in history.
One further common denominator around the world appears to be in so-called serpent worship, which is almost certainly a much more esoteric form of religion than it may appear to be at first glance. Indeed, Jesus admonished his disciples to "be wise as serpents and harmless as doves" (Matthew 10:16, KJV) - a statement that would be hard to understand, perhaps, unless we believe that Jesus knew the allegorical meaning for 'serpent'. Today's translators seem to reckon that Jesus meant snake, not serpent, and that the full meaning of the phrase (according to them) should be more like 'cunning as a snake'. I will take what is probably the original meaning anytime: a spiritual guide once said, 'if in doubt, go to the original.'
Following the conquest of Mexico by the conquistadores, Bernal Diaz (one of those men) wrote his account of that affair and about the similarity of Christianity and the religious teachings of the Indians. Also, Egyptian forms of mummification were found in the South Seas of the Pacific. The list of similarities could go on and on, but the formal academic world refuses to accept what must surely be obvious.
One further common denominator around the world appears to be in so-called serpent worship, which is almost certainly a much more esoteric form of religion than it may appear to be at first glance. Indeed, Jesus admonished his disciples to "be wise as serpents and harmless as doves" (Matthew 10:16, KJV) - a statement that would be hard to understand, perhaps, unless we believe that Jesus knew the allegorical meaning for 'serpent'. Today's translators seem to reckon that Jesus meant snake, not serpent, and that the full meaning of the phrase (according to them) should be more like 'cunning as a snake'. I will take what is probably the original meaning anytime: a spiritual guide once said, 'if in doubt, go to the original.'
Following the conquest of Mexico by the conquistadores, Bernal Diaz (one of those men) wrote his account of that affair and about the similarity of Christianity and the religious teachings of the Indians. Also, Egyptian forms of mummification were found in the South Seas of the Pacific. The list of similarities could go on and on, but the formal academic world refuses to accept what must surely be obvious.
A further revelation from an esoteric source is that, long before the end of Atlantis, a pure form of spiritual teaching was transferred to Egypt, and that teaching - known as the Hermetic Philosophy - is still taught. This teaching included the basis of mathematical and scientific knowledge that was 'picked up' by later civilisations at Sumer, Babylon and Harrapa (India). And Greece. The spiritual aspects of the Hermetic Philosophy came to be the core of the teachings of Jesus, a great messenger who made manifest those teachings in how he conducted his own life. His was essentially the teaching of India through the practice of what is called the 'Eternal Philosophy' (Sanathana Dharma).
As Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock have asserted, the Giza pyramids reflect a portion of the Orion star belt, in accordance with the Hermetic teachings that 'as it is above, so it is below'. This reflection of the placings of the stars on Earth has been utilised into modern times, even by the Knights Templar. Indeed, the subject of sacred geometry is also as alive today as it ever was.
As Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock have asserted, the Giza pyramids reflect a portion of the Orion star belt, in accordance with the Hermetic teachings that 'as it is above, so it is below'. This reflection of the placings of the stars on Earth has been utilised into modern times, even by the Knights Templar. Indeed, the subject of sacred geometry is also as alive today as it ever was.
Thank you for visiting. I would be very glad to hear your point of view on any aspect! Please leave your comments.
Part 3 of this series will be about the history between 10,000BC and the time of Jesus.
Part 3 of this series will be about the history between 10,000BC and the time of Jesus.
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