You Are Charged To Re-Charge!
Dear Reader,

Their introduction reminds me of a time - when I was aged between 8 and 11 - when I accompanied my father in school holidays to his employers, a bakery company called Scribbans, for whom he was a roundsman. I'm sure that a child would these days not be allowed to do so - more the pity in my view. His delivery vehicle was usually an electric van (exactly like the Morrison vehicle depicted on the left (below)) and so part of his job was to plug in his vehicle at the end of the day, leaving it overnight to be re-charged.
So, I got to know about the re-charging of electric vehicles nearly 70 years ago. However, when Dad and I got to his employers' depot there were all manner of vehicles that were used - electric, petrol and also horse-drawn (see pic, right). Therefore, on entering the depot the presence of horses was very obvious - by visually seeing their droppings and the general odour that was present. An experience never to be forgotten, and a small link to nature which is lost on most of the current generation. Though most would now hail the departure of such times, my view is that back then we often had some tie with natural life. Are we not part of nature?
But I will put aside those fond old memories and come back to the underlying topic of electricity. You know, if you browse the Internet for a definition of the word 'electricity' you will get some response like, "Electricity is a form of energy. Electricity is the flow of electrons." But does that give you a real idea of what it is? I can recall obtaining a book on electricity when I was a teenager and eager to know more about it, but in those days perhaps writers were more honest because the book merely said something like "We do not really know what electricity is, other than a flow of electrons". So, science and technology plod on developing incredibly amazing electronic devices, but still without knowing the origin of this power source. They assume that everything has purely a physical explanation.
This, alas, is typical of us, that once we learn how to use something we immediately apply our materialist viewpoint and turn it into some benefit (we think) for mankind and profitability - a material application - without thanks to the Source that made it available! And also without really knowing whether we are responsibly using that source. We are like children -without wisdom - playing with new toys, and at the behest of those wanting to profit from them. And, because Electricity is simply there at the flick of a switch, we take it for granted, and thereby we are content to let the moguls drill into the ocean beds as well as into the soil to satisfy our seemingly insatiable demands. But at what detriment to Mother Earth?
How the moguls' control business developments is a study in itself. The brilliant scientist Nikola Tesla is famed for his development of alternating current electricity with ideas for making it freely available to all. The electric light bulb was known as far back as the 1920s as being able to last infinitely longer than the life we have become used to. In 1986, my wife and I visited Berne in Switzerland and observed a prototype electric vehicle using direct solar energy. What happened to that idea, that would require no financial charge to access the power source?
If we can have solar-powered sailboat drones that cross oceans, even ultra-light aircraft that circumnavigate the globe, then surely cars can be similarly powered. However, this possibility is down-played, with claims that there are problems to do with the weight of automobiles.
But, as Einstein said, every problem is an opportunity looking for a solution. Most do not seem too interested in finding it. Lightyear One is different.
In all three instances, the powers-that-be have found ways to ensure that such benefits were not allowed to find their way to the public. Profitability - for too long - has been the be and end-all in business, without even wanting to know of the ramifications. And those that play the Stock Market usually have little interest other than how much they can make out of their investment. Investment in armaments has long been seen as bringing a good return, and when a war comes along the investors wring their hands in glee and smoke cigars. We all know what happened to tobacco, where the producing companies make their product for the Asian market with higher nicotine to keep their customers addicted. Palm oil was not long ago seen as a magnificent investment opportunity - but at the cost of the lives of orangutans and great damage to an entire life support system. Who bothers to invest in mangrove swamps? This is another kind of war - such is the male mentality.
Why do we behave like this? Despite the teachings of the great masters we choose to live by what is called "the realities of life". I see it that we have been led to believe that to be cynical about life is the normality that we should abide by. Many say that love is for women, but hasn't it been shown that persons of both sexes have a mix of male and female. Then if males do not want to find out how to balance their two halves it must be because our upbringing has caused us to think otherwise.
The errors of our ways are already very much apparent. The world is crying out for compassion, not greed. Compassion is what will bring hope and purpose, not greed. Compassion is the end-game; not greed.
Developing a philosophical view based on compassion is now essential. Jacob Needleman tells us about compassion, and especially about the power of inquiry within that will help develop that sense of compassion. Click here to listen to a short interview with Needleman.
Thank you for reading this.
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