Did Those Feet In Ancient Time...?

Dear Reader,

My past two posts were largely about the ancient origins of the British and about sacred geometry. This week the topic reverts specifically to the history of Britain, but in the context of its ancient spiritual developments and roots of Christianity in Britain and the reason why it's of importance.

In those immortal words of William Blake's 'Jerusalem', reference is made through the words "And Did Those Feet In Ancient Time" to the possible visit of Jesus to Britain, and specifically to Britain's west country, from Glastonbury westwards.

Now for many years I regarded those words of Blake as being perhaps of wishful thinking and not based on anything substantive and not of great importance. Until, that is, I went back to historically research ancient British history a few weeks ago and from which I have lately come across remarkable findings by other investigators over the last 200 years, and which is on-going in a project called The Golden Age Project.

The Golden Age Project website talks a great deal more than what I am referring to which is the part about the possible visit of Jesus to these shores and its ramifications, but I suggest it is worthwhile referring to the Golden Age Project's website for a greater appreciation of their subject matter.

The nature of The Golden Age Project findings might be thought to be too 'way out' or unrealistic, but is this because of how we have been conditioned to think? You see, one of the main issues that now becomes more vivid to me is that over the last 2,000 years we in Britain have been subjected to huge dominating forces in the form of the Romans, the Roman Catholic Church and, finally, the Normans, in that order. We have developed our own way since the Norman invasion, but "our way" has been considerably conditioned by the three dominating forces referred to earlier. What our point of view became - in my view - was essentially a synthesis of those three dominating forces with 'add-ons'. But there was something that was much finer that survived (despite its attempted domination) until the 7th century and which I believe is really worthy of study.

So let us start somewhere about what I am alluding to, and my first point of reference is that the Roman Catholic Church, despite its pretence at being the true representative of Jesus, actually knows that the Christian church was not firstly established (in Europe) in Rome.

Astonishing, isn't it?

It would seem that virtually all the great names of the Roman Catholic tradition in Britain (from the monk Bede and including St. Augustine) admitted that the first church was established at Glastonbury in the 30s AD, probably 35 AD. That the next church was established in Wales in 62 AD and that shortly after there was a great monastery established at Bangor that was a huge influence in British spiritual life until the 7th century. All before St. Augustine came over and - eventually by default after a great battle that happened to clear the way - established the Roman Catholic tradition that seriously influenced our ways in Britain for 1,000 years (supplemented by the Normans). Even Henry VIII did not entirely get rid of Catholicism, and it was not until William of Orange arrived and the Bill of Rights passed in 1688 that we have the state firmly committed to Protestantism.

But let's return to that early Christian church in Britain, and ask how it came to be. And the answer brings us back to William Blake and his poetic assertions about "Those Feet". It would appear that it was none other than Joseph of Arimathea and other close members of Jesus's circle that were responsible for planting that early church, and that Joseph of Arimathea had greater credentials than the Bible would let us believe. But the further amazing realisation is that the teachings that were espoused were esoterically in tune with those of the Druids. And that the Romans made it their main job to persecute Druids and Christians alike, until it came about that Christianity (in a certain form) was established by Constantine as the official Roman religion nearly 300 years after the first European church was established at Glastonbury.

There is a great deal more to dwell on including the assertion that St. Paul was yet another great figure of Christianity that came to these shores and helped to establish the monastery at Bangor. And much, much more besides including the revelation that Emperor Constantine was descended from a British royal family.

I am building up a historical perspective of all this that will (in the not too distant future, hopefully) appear on my website and, perhaps, as a book. I believe the matter to be of supreme importance, and in fact should be of great interest to the Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims that now share our country, and all those who believe in the essential unity in all religious teachings - especially the Unitarians and the Quakers.

Thank you for reading this.


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