A Pause Amidst The Hurley-Burley

Dear Reader,

As the referendum re-run petition comes close to 4 million signatures, I thought it timely to re-cap a little after these mad last few days.

The petition has really been triggered because those with the most working years left have been left high and dry in the vote – and to a large extent by the very people who voted ‘in’ in 1975.

In other words, those who voted ‘in’ in 1975 (when two thirds of the country voted ‘in’) have decided to become independent after the UK has become non-independent by virtue of selling off its crown jewels and (over the years) becoming deeply ingrained with Europe: the academic inter-action and security being two prime examples, as well as privileged trading conditions within the EU. We once advertised to investors: "Come here and be part of the EU". So, investors did come, but now we choose to turn our backs on them.

Of course those who voted in ’75 must think it to have been a mistake, otherwise they wouldn’t have voted that way, would they? But the point is they voted in 1975 to give the next generations a better and more harmonious chance, and now – those generations having grown up and seen benefits of some kind in staying in – they’re taking away the right of the generations they created! Further, the older group are not the people who will sort out the mess (sorry, opportunities) that has now been left for the younger generations!

How bizarre!

What we are supposed to do now we have no control over any major businesses to speak of, I wait to see. 

In short, the Brexit vote was hot-headed, though I do feel for the poorer people who have most felt the affect of substantial immigration and its affect on services, while the government chooses to reduce support for those services. It's the last issue - lack of government understanding - that I feel we should be concentrating on.

Further, it may take years of re-negotiation with the EU before Brexit takes effect. And in-between there would be so much uncertainty in the capitalist world that the financial situation may get a lot worse. Plus the fact that the EU itself may well be in danger of entirely breaking up.

It's successive UK governments that's been the problem, in reality. But if we were to have a general election, who is there to vote for that shows the ability to provide the proper direction? Oh dear.

But there is one great positive thought about all this. If we were to at last realise that the world cannot sustain continued growth and if we were to live more constructively, then opportunities do exist to create a sustainable and even a happier future.

If that situation develops, then I might rue the day I voted 'Remain'. But for as long as we must continue to have 2+ cars per family and our yearly holidays abroad, it won't happen.

Thank you for reading this.


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