Can we love our neighbour?

Yes, they are saying that a week is a long time in politics, and applying this thought to Jeremy Corbyn's week.

Already we hear that he's backing down on his attitude towards the UN and, now, the Trident programme. But at least he has not capitulated on the nucelar warfare issue, and is seeking other ways to re-generate interest in the anti-nuclear campaign. And he must be right too - how absurd it is to spend all this dough (that we haven't got) on equipment which - if used (and a big 'if') - would most likely create a sterile world and therefore (if people remained) one that would then want to forget about nuclear investments. 

Nuclear warfare planning is an insane policy. As is any policy that pretends that the national economy can perpetually grow as a way of bringing everyone out of poverty. It's insane because there's a small group that always seem to want more than everyone else (they've earned it, they mysteriously say) and will also do their utmost to keep the slaves working for too little in order to maximise profits for themselves and their gambling shareholders. 

In other words, the policy  towards economic growth is in reality really geared at making exponentially more rich those who already have (the riches).

Now - don't get me wrong - I do not espouse the form of "communism" that grew up in the likes of Russia and China and the east European states. But there is a form of socialism that, if it is imbued with a spiritual dimension, can be the basis of happy co-existence. For it to succeed, however, greed as to be voluntarily removed from our consciousness.

Jeremy Corbyn may be some way from that concept of Utopia, but at least he's trying to formulate an approach which can accommodate that view. The alternatives have long shown they don't work.


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