The World is Crying for Justice...

Is it just me that sees a world where those that are undergoing the most difficulty are being seen virtually as an economic detail?

There used to be concern purely about the "Third World" and how those poor aboriginals needed help to generate their own economies and be supported through their growing pains. The reality, however, has been that the West has succeeded in supporting mostly non-viable governments and, in any case, it's China that has taken over as the main source of aid in mid-Africa.

While the West was trying to be seen as 'the good guys', it was also quietly supporting the Shah of Iran and then Saddam Hussein - and we have seen what has since developed in both countries. That the West has been such a friend of Israel has further provided confusion and antipathy in the Middle East countries.

Western policy has to a large extent been the cause of the rise of the Islamist in my view. It's all very well to brand them as "evil", but we should firstly put right our own back garden in my opinion. Though the atrocities that are present in the Lavant are a horrible fact that has no duplication in the West, there is every indication that we ordinary people are becoming more and more controlled by our governments. And that includes interception of e-mails and phone calls - and, now, even interception via TV!

The way that Greece is being treated is understandable if one was to view Greece as some kind of business (although a business would not be given so many chances and would have been wound-up by now) - but the fact is that a country is composed of living beings. Already a fair number have chosen suicide as the way out of their difficulties: how many more will follow the same route following imposition of the latest strictures and near-impossible targets? The people of Greece need humanitarian assistance more than anything in my view, in addition to the provision of an international steering committee to put the country onto a viable footing.

Meanwhile, in England and Wales, those families earning under £25,000 have been told that they may lose up to £800 per year as a result of cuts in their tax credits. And this after a study has found that 1 out of 3 parents under that income level bypass a meal so that their children may eat.

A "record number" of people received aid from UK food banks in the last year. The Trussell Trust said three days' food was given out 1,084,604 times in the 2014-15 financial year.

I do not agree that Tax Credits are a viable solution to 'the problem', but surely you do not deprive the poorest of their income before you sort out an alternative plan?

In the USA, they intern 25% of the world's total prison population. The USA's general population is only 5% of the world's total. Something is wrong there.

One World, One Nation policies? If anything we are fast moving away from such notions; apart from the wealthy it would seem that the rest of humanity is to be trampled on. Why? Simply because they're viewed as not being ambitious enough to get more than their neighbour. Or they might be disabled. For those reasons you are forced to live on less.

A People's Revolution would only create more catastrophe, as history has shown us. The only real answer is Faith in the One God and his various messages and to truly Love Thy God and also Love Thy Neighbour as Thyself.

"Blessed are the peacemakers" (Matthew 5:9).

And note:

In Islam, the Arabic word "jihad" actually means a struggle or striving, and applies to any great effort on the personal as well as the social level.  It is striving to do good and remove injustice and evil from oneself and from society.  This exertion of effort can be spiritual, social, economic or political.  For example, one of the highest levels of jihad is to stand before a tyrant and speak a word of truth.  Restraining the self from wrongdoing is also a form of jihad.  It is a broad Islamic concept that includes opposing evil inclinations within the self, opposing injustice by peaceful means, the exertion of effort to improve the quality of life in society, as well as the striving by military forces on a battlefield in defense of the community or of peoples oppressed.  Jihad is not synonymous with war, as that is only one possible aspect of the term, and it certainly does not include terrorism.

Peace be with you.


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