Advanced Technology in Ancient Times

My last posting about the Antikythera Mechanism prompts me to write a little bit more about technologies that existed before the Buddha and the Christ appeared on Earth.

Back in the mid-1970s, I went through a period of evaluating alternative theories on what really happened in ancient history. It had always bugged me since my schooldays when I suggested to my teacher (in the 1950s) that the land masses of Africa, Europe and the Americas were once interlocked. It appeared obvious to me judging by the near-matching shape of their coastlines. The teacher poo-poohed my suggestion and that, effectively, caused me to question just what education was about. Education seemed then to be concerned about railroading people into mechanical thought processes, and it's not far different today, when material gain seems to be the be-all.

Coming back to the point at hand, my delving into alternative writings in the 70s produced a whole galaxy of new perceptions about what went on in the days BC. I was brought up to believe that history didn't start until 4,000 BC, but it is now becoming clear (as it started to emerge 40 or 50 years ago) that there are many more ancient remnants on Earth that have never been properly explained - until now.

The Antikythera Mechanism is just one such case in point. Not only is the object a wonderful insight into the capabilities of ancient engineers, but also about their knowledge of the cosmos and how all knowledge was studied by the greatest minds. In those days, they were not just mathematicians or biologists or other specialist scientists, but they saw that all knowledge was interlinked - they studied and practised from a holistic point-of-view.

Other remarkable remnants of ancient times include (of course) the Giza Pyramids and Stonehenge. Both Stonehenge and The Great Pyramid have been found to possess mathematical characteristics that are in common with one another, thus hinting that such knowledge was far more widespread than is commonly supposed. But these are not the only structures. There is another structure in Turkey that is supposedly even thousands of years older than Stonehenge, but has not yet been evaluated. And there are stone circles around the world that all seem to have common mathematical and cosmological properties.

Pi and Phi are used as mathematical components in the design of Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid, thus effectively stating that knowledge of such mathematics existed in pre-Greek times. Indeed, the old Sanskrit text Baudhayana Shulba Sutra of the 6th century BC mentions the Pi ratio as approximately equal to 3.

Remarkably, the 20th c. psychic Edgar Caycey stated that by the 21st c. it would be discovered that the Sphinx would reveal an entrance to underground revelations about the Giza Pyramids, and, indeed, work is afoot to uncover mysterious tunnels that exist both under the Sphinx and the Pyramids that have come to light after revealing radar soundings were taken some years ago.

The properties of Stonhenege, the Great Pyramid and the Antikythera Mechanism all indicate that there was great knowledge of technology and science, but that it was all put to the purpose of relating to the hidden world of the cosmos. It was clearly a different world to ours and one (it might seem) devoted to a higher cause than ours, but even their world seems to have been flawed. The ancients seems to have departed from the one important purpose of mankind - to know thyself; to understand the microcosm within the macrocosm. 

I believe it was no accident that the Buddha, Mahavira, Zoroaster and then Jesus appeared on the scene.


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